DIY Newspaper Hut

You know how sometimes you go to make a craft with your kids and it ends up being completely different from the vision you had? Yeah, that was this project. We started working on a newspaper house made with the left over Sunday paper. We didn’t have much time until Sister woke up so we quickly got to work rolling up the newspapers.

We taped up a few and were ready to begin building the rest of the structure when… the phone rang. By the time I got off the phone with my husband and returned outside. It was too late. Our craft had turned to mush as my son continued to pour water from his water table all over it.

So we picked back up and made a cool hut instead of a house. And you know what? My son loved it just as much as he did the house. He now has grand ideas for making a tunnel, a hula hoop, and a giraffe all out of rolled up paper. Sounds like fun to me!

DIY Recycled Newspaper Hut

What you’ll need: 

  • 1 Sunday Newspaper
  • Scissors
  • Tape

What you do: 

1. Take two pieces of newspaper and roll them up from one corner to the other to form a long pole.

2. Cut off a piece of tape and secure the loose end of newspaper.

3. Repeat as necessary until you have all the poles you need to build your structure. We used 8 poles for our hut.

4. Lay out the base of your structure.

5. Attach three pieces together forming a right angle with each of the poles, two on the ground and one standing up.

6. Tape the pieces together. Repeat on all sides.

5. Gather the four poles standing straight up in the center and tape together to form a pyramid.

6. Enjoy your structured creation! You can add more newspaper to enclose the hut or leave it open.

7. Build more structures to add to this one and create a super structure!

Every week Danielle brings great kids crafts to Formula Mom!
Danielle is a work-at-home-mom of two beautiful kids and writes at the Simmworks Family Blog. She loves to blog about her family, healthy living, going green and crafting. Danielle would love for you to come visit! You can reach her on facebook and twitter as well. If you have any questions feel free to email her at

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