Frozen Fruit Skewers – The Perfect Summer Cookout Dessert

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Fruti #cbias #SocialFabric #FreshNFruti

Fruti Frozen Fruit Skewers

This past week has been HOT! Like in the 90s one day hot and 80s the rest. So we needed a snack that would cool us down and satisfy our sweet tooth without being too bad.

Well, we found an amazingly cool and refreshing treat that’s low-fat and quite good. Fruti frozen fruit bars have become my new obsession and boy are they tasty! Plus they’re low in calories and the strawberry bars have zero fat. Talk about a great find!

They’re conveniently located at Sam’s Club so  I can pick up a box to keep in our freezer so we can enjoy them any time we need a delicious frozen fruit pop. And they come in a convenient 4 pack inside the large box that I can break out to make more room in my freezer. Or so I can keep one box in my inside freezer and the others in the freezer in the garage. Easy access!

You can read my about my Sam’s Club shopping trip in my Fruti G+ Album.

Fruti Summertime Cookout Dessert #FreshnFruti 1

So of course when I realized we were having two events this past weekend I knew I needed to create a fabulous dessert that would work great for both get-togethers as well as be a “safe bet” for me since I’m on Nutrisystem as well as my guests who might be watching their figures as well.

I hosted a My Favorite Things party with my playgroup on Saturday and hosted family over for a BBQ Birthday celebration for my dad on Sunday. And boy was this dessert perfect. Strawberries, bananas, chocolate, and Fruti bars. Mmmm! Plus the bars were so easy to utilize in this recipe. They cut easily and assembled well on the skewer.

I love that these 100% Natural Fruit Bars are just that: Natural. Because Fruti doesn’t add any colors or flavors to the bars, the flavor and colors come from the freshly picked fruits. You will not find high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in these fruit bars. The majority of sugar comes naturally from the premium fruit ingredients, and only a minimal amount of additional sugar is added to balance our signature fresh fruit taste.

A few of the kids requested their own full sized bars after they enjoyed this treat. Their parents happily obliged after hearing how awesome the bars are. Plus they’re also Non-GMO verified. Another plus in my book!

Fruti Frozen Fruit Skewers Recipe


Fruti Frozen Fruit Skewers

  • Fruti strawberry frozen fruit bars
  • chocolate covered bananas
  • strawberries
  • skewers
  1. Take skewers and cut them down to 5″ pieces.
  2. Slice strawberries into rounds about 1/4″ thick.
  3. Cut up the Fruti bar into square pieces. Give stick with excess bar to child to keep them happy as you prepare the dessert.
  4. Taking a skewer, pierce the center of the Fruti bar square then put a slice of strawberry on the skewer as well. Then add a chocolate covered banana to the bottom.
  5. Continue until all of the Fruti bar pieces are used. Place on a platter and store in the freezer until time to serve.

Fruti Summertime Cookout Dessert #FreshnFruti 9

Make sure to keep them in the freezer until serving time because these babies will melt! Especially when it’s in the 80s and 90s. But the kids don’t mind if they’re melted at all. They’re so refreshing and good!

And don’t stop at just this flavor combo, use the other fruit bars to create new skewer options. Maybe dip some pineapple in chocolate and layer with the pina colada? Or some whole strawberries and the strawberry cream bars? The possibilities are endless!

There’ll also be a Fruti and yogurt demo at Sam’s Club on May 13th. I cannot wait to head back to check it out. Yum! I immediately think of a delicious fruit smoothie with that combo.

What sort of recipe would you create with Fruti?

Fruti Summertime Cookout Dessert #FreshnFruti 7

You can find Fruti on Facebook and follow them on twitter at @ChunksOFruti. And for more great recipe ideas, check out the #FreshnFruti pinterest recipe board!

Disclaimer: I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Fruti #cbias #SocialFabric #FreshNFruti

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. XRumer23Phank says


    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  2. XRumer23Phank says


    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  3. What a fun idea. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Sadly, I am not a fan of strawberries, but I could see using a different fruit on this or making it with strawberries for hubby and the kids! What a cute idea!

  5. What a cute idea! Strawberries, bananas, chocolate and a juice bar – oh my yummy!!!!

  6. Okay.. YUM. What a brilliant and delicious recipe for summer! How creative! I need to track down these Fruit bars, I’ve been hearing wonderful things about them. Thanks!

  7. these both look and sound so delicious! i would love to taste them right now

  8. A perfect and healthy treat for a hot summer day!

  9. These look super delicious! And what an easy way to have a treat at a party. Thanks for sharing!

  10. YUM! I have wanted to try those Banana Dippers for a while now so I may just have to make this for my boys soon! 🙂

  11. These look amazing! My kids loved them by themselves but truthfully those look beyond delicious!

  12. These look so tasty! It’s been hot here too in Seattle, we need to make these!


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