Wear Awesome Light Up Shoes and other Halloween Safety Tips

halloween safety tips stride rite 2

Since my kids were old enough to speak I lost the power to choose what they dressed up as for Halloween. But the one thing I do have say about is the safety of the costumes they choose.

I have a few guidelines for their costumes and since they’re still fairly young I haven’t had too much of a problem getting them to go along with what I say. These Halloween safety tips have helped me with easing my mind about the fact that my kids are out after dark.

And I think that they also help the kids realize how important it is to be aware of where they are and how visible they are to others out as well.

halloween safety tips stride rite running in shoes

Halloween Safety Tips

1. Wear bright clothing

When choosing a Halloween costume try and make sure that there are some bright components to the outfit. Whether you add reflective tape to the costume after it’s on or you purchase a brightly colored outfit, having something visible to others in the dark can help make sure people know that your kid is there.

2. Find some light up shoes

Halloween is always a fun night out with the kids, but it’s important to stay safe as well! Stride Rite has shoes that incorporate today’s latest light up technology so they are visible at night as your child runs from house to house. Or you can string on some glow sticks onto your kids shoes! 

3.  Use a flashlight

When walking the neighborhood let your kids use flashlights to lead the way. Not only will this help their visibility and help with trips and falls but it’s also super fun!

4. Ditch the masks

A child’s visibility is greatly reduced when they are wearing a mask. So if you have a small child, consider costumes without masks to help make their evening as enjoyable as possible.

5. Have a plan

Make sure to talk to your children before you head off to trick-or-treat. Let them know the plan for the evening, where you’ll be going, and what the rules are. By making sure the kids know what’s going on everyone will have a great time!

halloween safety tips stride rite butterfly

Since my daughter chose to be a butterfly this week (and designed her own costume!) we were very excite to receive these adorable Disney Wish Lights Ariel shoes. They match her costume perfectly!

Plus I know that these shoes will last a lot longer than just a few weeks even with all of the running around and jumping she does. Stride Rite shoes are our go-to shoe brand and have been since the kids first started walking.

Along with the Wish Lights shoes my daughter will be wearing, my son will be wearing his favorite green Saucony shoes with his lizard costume. Comfortable, flexible, and durable! Everything we need in a children’s shoe brand.

halloween safety tips stride rite butterfly costume

How do you keep your children safe on Halloween?

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Love these great tips, and, how CUTE!

  2. What great tips! My kids love light up shoes, but it gets harder to find them the older they get! But flashlights are a hit in our home! 🙂

  3. So cute!! Thanks for the tips.

  4. That is a pretty neat idea. Jas has some light up shoes. Great tips.

    We always stay very close to our kids when taking them out trick-or-treating to help keep them safe.

  5. I agree with the light up shoes! All 3 of my kids have ’em and of course mom or dad guide the dark driveways with a flashlight.

  6. I love her shoes! My daughter would adore them 🙂 Both my kids have had light-up shoes and they are perfect really for any night.

  7. We love Stride Rite and those shoes are adorable! We’ll also be wearing light up shoes on Halloween for a little added safety. Well… my son will be!

  8. We go with a group of friends. I do believe in the power of numbers. In addition to light up shoes, we have reflective tape and glow sticks.

  9. Light up shoes are brilliant for kid safety!

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