While most years I vow to get back on track and start eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight, I want to start this year different. I want to make the healthy eating, exercising and losing weight a way of life, not a resolution. So I’m resolving to organizing my home. And I’ll share with you my journey and the tips along the way.
Below is a list of what each day will tackle. Then as we complete each day I’ll link up to the post that gives helpful tips and solutions to completing the task. I’ll also delve in more to what else you can do in each room and on each day.
31 Days to Organize Your Home
Day 1 – 3: Start with the Kitchen
- Organize the cupboards – throw out what you don’t use!
- Re-arrange the items on the counter to reflect what you use and utilize
- Organize and clean out the pantry – go through everything and throw out any expired foods or anything ripped or torn
- Organize and clean out the fridge – same rules as the pantry.