Adventures in Potty Training {Day 1}

Day one of potty training has commenced…  hopefully I’ll have enough time later tonight to recap how day one went. So far we’ve had one accident and one successful pee on the potty (resulting in E receiving a yummy M&M). Once he’s completed Day 1 he gets a cool dinosaur book. After Day 2 he’ll get another cool dinosaur book and on Day 3 he will get to choose what he wants to receive (probably something train or dinosaur related…). 
We will be staying home for these next three days and will be with Ethan (right next to him) unless he is sleeping so we wont have much time for anything else. I’ll try and update daily on our successes and failures! He seems to be on board so far and loves the M&M rewards and all of the fun attention. 
Oh, and for anyone who is interested, we’re following the 3-Day Potty Training Method. I’ve heard many, many success stories! 
Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Good luck!!

    I’m looking forward to reading how it works for E. Hope you & the fam are doing well!

    P.S. love the E – 2 year pics you took.


  1. […] age 2 we began the 3-Day potty training method. And it worked like a charm. Until we went on a trip and my son regressed and would only wear pull […]

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