Learning the Benefits of Juicing with the NutriPro Juicer

Benefits of Juicing NutriPro JuicerI’ve been considering purchasing a juicer for quite a while. After hearing wonderful things about juicing and watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix a few months back I decided to get serious about researching great juicers. And that’s when I found NutriPro!

I received a NutriPro juicer for review and have fallen in love with the ease in which I can make fresh, delicious juices at home whenever I’d like. Plus i have the control over what I put in my juices as I make them.

By learning the benefits of juicing as I learn the ins and outs of my NutriPro juicer I hope to continue my journey to a healthier me and increase the amount of veggies I’m getting in daily.

Benefits of Juicing Carrot Juice

Fun with the NutriPro Juicer

By learning more about juicing I’ve been able to incorporate veggie juice into my daily life. The NutriPro juicer is a cold pressed juicer. That means you’ll be enjoying more nutrients in every drop because no heat is used. You’ll also be enjoying more juice with less waste due to the power of the NutriPro juicer.

The first juice I attempted to make was a simple, fresh carrot juice. I absolutely love the sweet taste of carrot juice so when I realized I could make it on my own I jumped up and down. Then I realized just how much work goes into that glass of carrot juice!

Through trial and error I’ve come to learn that I prefer a variety of veggies in my juice so it’s not as much work as carrot juice (just because carrots are tough and fibrous).

NutriPro Juicer benefits of juicing carrot juiceBenefits of Juicing

There are many benefits to juicing. And I am learning more and more about how to incorporate juicing into my family’s life.

Here are a few great benefits I’ve found to juicing: 

1. Increases veggie servings – if you have a hard time getting in all of your veggies then juicing is a great way to do just that! Just keep an eye on the fruit you add to your veggie juices since they can add a lot of calories to your drink.

2. Use up veggies in the fridge – Ever have those left over veggies in the fridge that you’re not quite sure what to do with? Well these are the perfect veggies to add to a juice! I usually make what I call a “Kitchen Sink” juice at the end of the week to use them all up. No waste!

3. Enjoy a variety of veggies – Some people aren’t crazy about eating certain veggies. By adding them into a mix of other veggies, and sometimes some fruit, you can get the nutrients from the veggies you might not love and still enjoy a delicious glass of nutrient-packed juice!

green monster juice benefits of juicing
Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing different recipes and creations I’ve made with my Nutripro juicer like this green monster juice and share how it’s been incorporated into our lives for a great way to increase the veggies we’re consuming (in addition to all of the fresh veggies we’re eating).  I might even have a few veggies from our own garden to use soon!

And I’ll share the fruit juice blends my kids are loving! Those aren’t lacking in veggies either and we know exactly where all of the fruit is from!

You can purchase a NutriPro juicer from Bella on Amazon.

What’s your favorite juice blend?

Disclaimer: I received a NutriPro Juicer for review purposes only. All opinions are my own. 

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. This would be great for my daughter who is needing to get more veggie servings in each day.

  2. Which recipe would hide the taste of vegetables the best? I am not a green eater and I wish I was!

    • Anything that mixes fruit with the veggies definitely hides the taste. One of my favorite blends is carrots, cantalope, spinach, and a few other veggies. The cantalope was sweet enough blended with the carrots to cover all of the other veggies! I’ll have to recreate it and post it soon!

  3. These look yummy! I am always looking for a way to use up what I have in the fridge, this is a perfect solution.

  4. I’ve wanted to try juicing for a while now. Thanks for the post. Will have to check out the NutriPro!

  5. Ohh, I love juicing! The only thing I don’t like about juicing is having to take everything apart to scrub it down thoroughly. I didn’t do that one time (missed an internal part I didn’t know existed) and within a few days, I had a MAJOR fruit fly infestation! I haven’t juiced since. 🙁

    • Now that is no fun!! I love that my NutriPro only has three main parts I have to worry about and they give you a brush that makes clean up easy.


  1. […] In addition to green apples and/or cucumbers you can add pineapple, mint, pears, ginger root, other types of apples, etc. The awesome thing about green juices is the variety in what you can create! There are many benefits to juicing. […]

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