Babywearing with Ease: Boba Baby Carrier 3G {Review}

Boba Review 3

Love. I’m in love. No, seriously… I am. With this baby carrier. It’s amazing. And cute, versatile and comfortable. Now I’ve shared my love of baby carriers and babywearing before. I own quite a few and have shopped around for the perfect one for each stage in my children’s lives.

I love carrying my babies close and thought that my Ergo was the end all and be all of baby carriers. Until I met Tweet, my new Boba baby carrier.

Boba Review 2

Why am I so smitten you ask? It’s the little things. The way the bottom strap contours up and around my waist instead of going straight around. The fact that I can put the hood into it’s little pouch instead of having it hang down in the front.

Or the fact that the gorgeous pattern can be seen when the hood is in use and when it’s put away. Oh, and one of my favorite things… the pockets on the bottom of the carrier. So convinient for my keys and cell phone when we’re out and about.

There are so many great features on this carrier. I think that the folks at Boba thought long and hard about what they wanted to include in this perfect carrier and they hit the nail on the head. I have been amazed at the response I’ve had from other mamas who I’ve shared my Boba with. Most are eager to try it on and test it out and I think I’ve created a few converts in the two short weeks I’ve had it. Here are a few other reasons to love the Boba Carrier 3G:

Boba Review 1

How to Use It

The Boba baby carrier is an all-in-one system that doesn’t need to be tied, twisted or folded. To hold your infant in a front carry you simply adjust the straps to allow a snug fit, snap the waist strap along your waist, hold your baby against your chest, bring the carrier up over the child’s back, put your arms in and buckle the top buckle.

You can then adjust the straps and tightness to your comfort level making sure baby is snug and secure. And if you are using the back carry there are these nifty foot straps that allow baby to rest his legs by putting his feet in the straps instead of having them hang down.

And if you have a newborn (7-15lbs), you can use the Newborn Hold. No insert or special instructions needed! That means you can wear your baby with the Boba Carrier 3G from birth (7lbs) to toddlerhood easily! How awesome is that?

Do you babywear?

Disclaimer: I received a Boba Baby Carrier 3G for review purposes only. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Pinterest Inspiration


  1. I’ve heard a lot of great things about the boba. I used a wrap when my youngest was a baby, but he didn’t like it at all unless he was sleeping. I’ll definitely be trying a carrier like this with our next.

  2. Carrie with Children says

    This looks like a fantastic carrier! My husband loved wearing with our youngest daughter. Such a special bond!

  3. I always loved these carriers! Loved having my little one attached to me!

  4. Lena & Alex says

    It looks awesome – i want one too

  5. I loved wearing my children when they were babies but I must say I love the convenience and comfy factor of the boba. Anything that makes toting our little ones around a bit easier is a must have!
    Ps cutie family!

  6. Great idea. I do not remember these being around when mine were little. I had one on each hip and one on the hand. Oh how this could of made my life a little more simple! 🙂

  7. It’s a beautiful carrier! I wore my kids everywhere- all the time. But we didn’t have these great carriers then.
    marie h

  8. I like our Boba. They made some good changes on the 3G.

  9. Ashley @MamaOfAllTrades says

    I absolutely love their carriers. So gorgeous! It makes me want to have another little one to wear! Baby wearing definitely made all of our lives better.

  10. This was not around when my guys were little. Looks like a great gift, for the next baby shower I will be attending! Thanks for the great idea!

  11. I love babywearing and still wear my son in my soft structure carrier and he is 2.5!! (Although now more often if I wear him I do it a frame carrier!)

    You look so happy to be using the Boba!!

  12. <3 the carrier and the hot mama wearing it! :D Ha

  13. They are sure pretty carriers!

  14. my husband & i were big time baby wearing parents. when our twins were born it was by far the best way to go out & about. we did everything with our baby carriers. vacation, flying, day to day.

    miss those days.

  15. @Isra

    Thanks Isra! I love how gorgeous the print is and the awesome selection of other designs Boba carries.

  16. I’ve worn all my kids, still wearing my 18 month old, this carrier looks so cute! You both look beautiful!This one is much prettier than mine though!!


  1. […] two kids I’ve had a myriad of carriers. But my favorite by-far is my Boba Carrier 3G. Not only is it comfortable and supportive, but it’s allowed me to go from carrying my son to […]

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