E’s Family/Friends Birthday Party

I made a few gift bags for the kids…

Melissa of Le Petit Kupkak made some DELICIOUS cupcakes for E’s birthday gift (recipe here)

I made the cake (Dorie’s Perfect Party Cake)

Tessa took a few pictures of E devouring (not) his cupcake

Mom, you can’t force me to eat the cupcake!

Ok… the frosting is pretty good.

And I LOVED smushing the cupcake through my fingers… see?

Opening gifts

Look what E got!

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. the cake is so cute! i want a baby to throw parties for!!!! and eat cake that i baked for!!!!!!!!!!!!

    looks like a fantastic time <3 miss you!

  2. Looks like you both had a good time! …and like maybe he’d like chocolate cake next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. He’ll definitely get chocolate next year ๐Ÿ™‚ He shared a cupcake with me for breakfast this morning and loved it… he just doesn’t eat under pressure! The cupcakes tasted like delicious pieces of carrot cake heaven w/ cream cheese frosting (I think there was real vanilla bean in the frosting too!)

  4. Looks like you both had a good time! โ€ฆand like maybe heโ€™d like chocolate cake next year ๐Ÿ™‚

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