Exploring Concord {Boston Trip 2013 Day 1}

exploring new england

Ah… New England! I had never been to New England and was excited to experience it in the fall. This past week we headed out together with the kids and my mother in law to Boston. To see the colors of the leaves change before our eyes and feel that crispness in the air was absolutely amazing.

The first full day we spent in Boston was quite the experience. And half the time we weren’t even in Boston! We left early in the morning for a quick drive and a little exploration.

The plan was to see if Minuteman Park was open. But with the government shutdown we knew there’d be a chance that we weren’t going to do that. And… we were right. We were greeted with signs at every parking lot entrance letting us know what was going on.

Government Shutdown Minuteman Park Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

So we decided to drive a bit further and ended up in Concord.

Concord Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

We found a parking spot on the main drag and headed out to explore the city. The first thing I spotted was an old cemetery by St. Bernard Parish.

I loved the contrast between the graves and the gorgeous changing colors of the leaves in the trees surrounding the area.

st bernard's cemetery boston trip 2013

My mother in law thought it’d be the perfect place to take a family photo. Fitting for Halloween, right?

Concord graveyard Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

Concord powder house Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

We then walked into town and enjoyed taking in the different shops, buildings, and scenery. We even found this neat bridge that the kids could play on.

They quickly found a stream underneath and started throwing sticks and leaves on one side and racing to the other to see what came out.

Concord bridge Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

After a bit more exploring (and checking out the town’s library) we found Sally Ann Bakery and stepped in for a coffee and a treat. The kids and my husband enjoyed some cookies while I grabbed a scone and a coffee.

At the register they were giving samples of their apple caramel bread pudding. It was so heavenly I had to pick up a whole loaf. Now that’s a recipe I’d love to have! It was absolutely delicious.

If you’re anywhere near Concord, I highly suggest trying them out! Nothing we tried was anything short of amazing.

Concord Sally Ann Bakery Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

After we finished our quick exploration of Concord (with a visit to the dotted i for some photo props for me) we headed on to our next destination.

With a little prodding from my mother in law we stopped by my brother in law’s alma mater, Merrimack College. This is where he met his wife and I’m sure where he fell in love with Massachusetts. Enough so that he left San Diego and settled close to here.

And while we miss having him live across the street it’s still great news for us because we have an excuse to visit New England!

Merrimack College Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

Merrimack College statue Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

After taking a quick peek at the campus with a drive by tour hosted by my mother in law we hit the road for our next adventure… Maine! We were on a mission to find the best lobster roll (or lobstah roll) in New England. And I’m pretty sure we succeeded.

driving up the coast Massachusetts Boston Trip 2013

More soon of our exploration and fun in New England!

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. XRumer23Phank says


    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  2. XRumer23Phank says


    This post was created with XRumer 23 StrongAI.

    Good luck 🙂

  3. I love New England. Living in New York, many of our vacations have been to New England because it is an easy drive. I love Boston. When we use to go on ski trips, we went to Vermont every year. And one of our favorite vacations was to Bar Harbor and Acadia Park in Maine.

  4. Looks like lots of fun things to do & I love your family picture.

  5. That IS a great Halloween type family picture. It may not make your Christmas card though! Concord looks beautiful. I love the fall leaves. They are beautiful!

  6. Love this!! We love exploring New England in the fall as well! Beautiful leaves!!!

  7. How fun! We just recently discussed traveling to Boston! I’ve never been anywhere on the East Coast so that would be so much fun! And I love the fall colors!


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