Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine: Math For Screen Time

Today we’re sharing how we incorporate STEM into our daily routine. With help from Post-it® Brand, this sponsored post features how we use Post-it® Products to help our son with STEM learning.

Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine Math For Screen Time

As we’re prepping our son for back to school, I wanted to make sure that he didn’t have a summer slump over break. We’ve been working on the curriculum he was learning at the end of the school year through his summer vacation so that doesn’t happen.

At the last PTG meeting I attended, we learned that a STEM curriculum would be added into the coursework for the new school year for all grades. Since my son thrives on those subjects this was music to my ears. And since he has an engineer for a father and a mother who loves math and science, we were hoping a little of that interest would rub off on our children.

But even though he loves math, science, and engineering, he seems to be using a lot more technology than the other three STEM subjects. He’s found Minecraft and it’s sucked him in.

It is important for parents to understand their child’s learning style and adapt STEM  study techniques to that learning style. Our son is a visual learner, so it is helpful for him to see information to absorb and understand it. In an effort to still make math fun, we’ve come up with some unique ways for him to earn more screen time and learn other STEM subjects.

Here’s what we did.

Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine Math For Screen Time on Post its

Visual STEM Learning Project: Math For Screen Time

What you’ll need:

  • Post-it® Super Sticky Notes from the World of Color, Rio de Janeiro collection
  • Post-it® Flags from the World of Color, Rio de Janeiro collection
  • Pens or Permanent markers

Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine - Post it products

What you do: 

1. Using the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes from the World of Color, Rio de Janeiro

collection, use one color for each part of the equation.

2. Leave the answer Post-it® Super Sticky Note blank to let your child fill in the answer.

Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine - addition

3. On each of the colored numbers, use the Post-it® Flags and attach the same color to each of the numbered Post-it® Super Sticky Notes.

4. Have your child complete the equation.

One answered question equals 5 minutes of screen time. Please add or subtract minutes as you see fit.

Incorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine - Post it flagsIncorporating STEM Into Our Daily Routine Math For Screen Time practice

By creating a simple visual for my son to see the numbers on the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes AND see the Post-it® Flags on each number, he is learning quicker than simply seeing an equation on a piece of paper. In a study conducted by Post-it® Brand, results showed that 86% of parents think the best way for their students to learn STEM-subjects is through visual learning, like reading or seeing pictures. And I believe it!

We’ve been able to switch around the equations each day by rearranging the Post-it® Super Sticky Notes, and add numbers in to mix things up. Next on our list is to enroll him in a Minecraft programming class. Since he’s become so interested, we’re finding more ways to increase his interest in STEM subjects.

Before long, I may need to start taking classes at the local community college to keep up so I can help him with his homework!

How do you inspire your children to be more interested in STEM-related activities?

Find out more great ways to inspire your kids to jump into STEM curriculum with the help of Post-it® Brand by following them on Twitter and Instagram, visiting them on Facebook, or pinning a few of their ideas on Pinterest.

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. This is genius. Totally trying this in my house.


  1. […] I have mentioned previously, my son has quite the obsession with Minecraft right now. It all started with a few mentions of […]

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