5 Ways to Make Your Morning Routine Easier

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Waterpik.

5 Ways to Make Your Morning Routine Easier

I’ve never been one for morning routines. Having children has changed things and everything I do in the morning as part of my routine just seemed like it was taking a lot of time. So I looked into how to make your morning routine easier and tried to implement it into my own morning routine.

The first thing I needed to do was consolidate whatever I could from my routine. Now normally I brush my teeth in the shower thinking that saves time… totally doesn’t save time. I also floss as I’m trying to dry off and using mouthwash as I’m brushing my hair. All this gets me is tangled up on the days I actually do shower, and with crazy hair on the days I don’t (I’m a mom. I work from home. Sometimes days go by…).

But I’ve finally done it. I’ve created an efficient morning routine that I can stick with. Even when I don’t shower. And I feel better about my ability to get things done before we head out the door.

Make Your Morning Routine Easier - less hassle

5 Ways to Make Your Morning Routine Easier

1. Make A List

The night before, make a list of everything that needs to be done in the morning.

I start with what time everyone need to be ready and out the door to get to their destinations on time. Whether it’s preschool or a playdate, I always make sure I know when we need to leave by first. That way I can start prodding if someone’s slowing the morning down (more than likely it’s my easy going son who just wants to build one more thing out of legos).

Then I move on to everything else that needs to be accomplished (including scheduling any work time that needs to be taken care of before the kids are off to school).

2. Keep Kids on a Routine

While I’m going through my morning routine, the kids go through the same routine. While I’m brushing my teeth, my hair, and getting dressed, so are the kids. We also eat breakfast together. Okay, I drink coffee while checking email as they enjoy their oatmeal.

We haven’t quite mastered the art of laying out our clothes the night before, but we are becoming more efficient at all getting ready together at once in the morning. We do make sure shoes are kept at the door so we don’t lose one of a pair before we have to leave the house.

Make Your Morning Routine Easier - toothbrush attachment

3. Consolidation –

Consolidate the tools you’re using in the morning. For me, that’s my oral care routine… tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, mouthwash and sometimes gum after my morning cup of coffee. Luckily Waterpik has come out with the Waterpik Aquarius Professional Water Flosser. Now I can not only brush but I can floss as well all with one machine. Time saved!

Since I have sensitive gums, no matter how many times  a day I was flossing I’d end up bleeding. With the water flosser I don’t have that problem any more. A steady stream of water at varying pressure (you can choose what pressure you wish to use) will allow me to floss without aggravating my gums as much as traditional flossing was doing. Plus my mouth feels fresh and clean.

This will also help keep cavities at bay… and hopefully allow me to not have to relive the horrors of getting another crown. Or a root canal. Now those are fun.

Make Your Morning Routine Easier - waterpik toothbrush

4. Prep The Night Before

If possible, I start my morning routine in the evening before going to bed. I pack lunches or day packs, grab coats, make sure shoes are ready by the door. And I think of ways to keep the kids active the next morning.

While I’m getting what needs to be done after I wake up, I have an activity (watching tv, reading a book, playing outside) for my kids to do to keep them busy while I’m finishing up. This keeps them from slowing me down with a bazillion questions.

I find it helpful to have them do these activities after they’re fully dressed. My kids know they cannot play out in the front yard before school unless they’re completely dressed. That includes shoes, teeth and hair brushed, and toys for school ready to go (they’re allowed to take toys to preschool to play with).

I also make sure I know what I’m serving for breakfast. And sometimes I make breakfast ahead of time. Muffins, egg cups, and oatmeal squares are a great way to do this! Make up a batch on the weekend and enjoy all week.

5. Set Aside Some Time

I know how hectic mornings can be but try and take a few minutes in the morning for the kids. I try to talk to them about what their day is going to be like and what to expect. This can be as simple as enjoying breakfast with them (without the email) or chatting with them while tying shoes.

Since our kids are growing up so fast, I want to make sure I have few moments together in the morning that aren’t hectic and stressful. Since my husband puts the kids to sleep, this is really the only down time I have with them alone.

pillow talk with molly

Interested in checking a Waterpik for yourself? Check out the Waterpik website and take advantage of free shipping by using the code FREESHIPWP660 at check out! This code is good for free shipping on any Waterpik product purchased through the site and is valid until March 31, 2014.

How do you make your morning routine easier?

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Waterpik.

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  1. I’ve always wanted to try a water flosser because it just seemed so much more pleasant than traditional floss but I didn’t know they made combos for toothbrushing while water-flossing as well, that would make it way easier to use each time I brush.

  2. I love your tips, and your waterpik looks AWESOME!! i think that would be a great solution for our family too.

  3. These are some great tips! I need to make sure I’m prepping the night before. I have been wanting to try the Waterpik too.

  4. Prepping is key for me – getting lunches packed, making sure backpacks are ready, and even laying out clothes for my boys the night before. It helps so much! I can see how using the Waterpik would be a time saver too!

  5. sounds like you found a rountine that works for you. Yea Mom, and you are right once you have children your whole world changes.

  6. Making a list and prepping the night before are key to making my mornings easier.. This can get crazy fast so it’s nice to remember what I have going on each day. I would just love to have a Waterpik to make my own morning routine easier as well! 🙂

  7. Preparing the night before always helps make the morning go faster.

  8. I am definitely a list maker and try to do what I can the night before… But I still have my morning routine that I definitely think could be reduced with the Waterpik. It would at least cut the time I’m in the bathroom down!

  9. I do as much as I can the night before as I am NOT a morning person!

  10. I adore my WaterPik! I’m totally not a morning person, but for some reason I look forward to water flossing every day


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