Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of American Heart Association. All opinions are 100% mine.

Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms

Like most moms, my number one priority is my children. Our day to day lives, as well as the decision we make for our future, revolve around them. So when it comes to our health, I also want to make sure I remember to not only take care of the kids but myself as well. By making a few changes to our daily routine I’ve been able to focus on my health without drastically changing how I’m living or taking too much time on one thing. Because we all know if it takes too much time, it isn’t going to happen.

We want to experience more of life’s precious moments. But to do that, we must be healthy in heart and mind. As the American Heart Association reminds us, the heart is where life’s moments are felt most, and the mind is where we relive them again and again. Making healthy living a priority for moms is easy when you have the right tools! By making these changes we can impact better heart and brain health. You have the power to affect real change!

Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms - go on adventures

Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms

Make Simple Changes 

Healthy living doesn’t mean changing your whole way of living. It means changing a few small things to make a big impact. Here are a few changes you can implement in your daily lives that have big impacts:

  1. Eat more fruits and veggies – Consider joining a CSA or a food delivery program that delivers fresh produce right to your door! We love Farm Fresh to You’s veggie/fruit deliveries.
  2. Eat less sodium – Read labels and see where sodium is hiding. Then reduce the amount you’re eating!
  3. Drink less sugary sweetened beverages – Do you drink soda? Cut down your consumption or switch it for flavored water!
  4. Increase your physical activity – just add a 30-minute walk in a day! Then increase from there.
  5. Check and control blood pressure – regular check ups with your doctor are important for overall health.

Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms - spend time with kids

Find a Work-Life Balance

Sometimes the stress in our lives is made when we try and do too much or take on too many tasks. Finding that work/life balance can help ease stress and reduce health problems. Here are some basic changes to make:

  1. Set office hours and stick to them! If you work outside of the home, this may be easy, but if you work from home like me, office hours are a must. This also applies to SAHMs. You can create a schedule around kids activities, focusing on the home, etc so you are using your time more efficiently.
  2. But also, schedule some family/home hours as well. Between school pick-up and bedtime are the times during the week that I focus on the kids and after 10 a.m. on the weekends is family time. I try not to work on holidays as well so I make it clear that I’m not available on those days.
  3. “Me time” is important as well. I make sure to get out once a month and focus on myself. Whether that’s mom’s night out, getting a pedicure, or getting my hair cut, even as little as one hour is enough for me to recharge. You could even consider creating a Moms group where you get together once a month at each other’s houses just to get some mom time in.


Implement Change One Step At A Time

Don’t rush into these changes all at once. While one or two changes may be ok right now, making too many changes may lead to defeat. Consider adding 1-2 new changes into your routine a week and work from there. By the time you realize it, you may have already implemented some great changes in your life and are already becoming a healthier you.

Remember, these changes are not only for you but for your whole family! Make it fun and challenge the other family members in your home to participate as well! Take a walk at night as a family to tackle increasing physical activity AND spending family time together. Or consider a screen time ban after dinner so you create family time.

Tips On Making Healthy Living A Priority For Moms - mental health days

The American Heart Association (AHA) has resources for healthy living, like recipes, healthy tips and tricks for moms, and information and resources on heart and brain health. They’re working to improve the health of communities by affecting laws through advocacy initiatives. As an organization, the AHA is funding life-saving research and science advances to help people live healthier, longer lives. You can find more resources by visiting Life Is Why.

Looking for more support? The Moms Unite Facebook Group is also a great place for fellow moms to get together in an effort to encourage one another and share tips for leading a healthy life. Check out what they have on Pinterest too!

Everyone has a reason to live a healthier, longer life. What’s yours?

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