My beautiful baby girl no longer gives open mouth kisses. She puckers up.
And forget holding my hand when she steps down from our front porch… she can do it all by herself with no help.
I knew that watching the kids grow would be hard, especially with no plans of a third child in the works. I’ve been trying to let each moment, each milestone soak in as much as possible. Being home with the kids during the week has helped give me the opportunity to watch how much they grown and change each day.
I watch how much these little ones change and am in awe of how quickly they adjust to these new skills and techniques. I definitely don’t react as fast!
I feel as if I need time to process it all. Make my mind realize how quickly things are changing and try and be “in the moment” as much as possible while I watch them grow and become these amazing little people.
In just a few months my oldest will be going to preschool and while it’s just a few days a week (and right around the corner from our home) I don’t know what I’m going to do without my little buddy during the day. I’m sure we will stay plenty busy, but after being with him day in and day out for this past year I know it’ll feel a bit weird to not have him with us on our daily adventures.
Just this morning my daughter and I dropped him off with his great aunt and m ydaughter was beside herself with sadness because she couldn’t go too. I just know the reaction will be similar as she watches her brother go off to school.
Donuts might have worked as a great distraction this morning but they can’t be a daily thing.
And what will I do when both are in school? I’m sure I’ll be able to find volunteer work, continue working at home part time, and keeping myself busy with activities, etc but the thought of them growing so quickly and heading off to school so soon is such a weird thing to think about.
Maybe we should think of having another… Nah! That’s be crazy.