When Babies Find Freedom: Tools For Pre-Walkers

This post featuring tools for pre-walkers is sponsored by Huggies Little Movers Diapers.

When Babies Find Freedom Tools For Pre-Walkers

When I had my first child the only thing I could think about was what he would learn to do next. When would he sit up? When would he crawl? Was he going to walk soon? Once he was standing and walking along the furniture I’d try and get him to take steps to me by standing him up away from the object he was holding onto and letting go. He’d normally just sit back down on his diaper-cushioned butt. I didn’t really get that we had to do this on his terms. He needed to find the balance and confidence on his own. Sure our encouragement could have been helpful, but finding that he could do it himself was more important.

With each additional child, I’ve found myself struggling with taking over or pushing a little too much when it comes to encouraging them to try new things. I want them to grow and explore in new ways so I can keep checking things off my list. But as I watch my 11-month-old (how did that happen??) start to pull up on furniture and move around the house or transfer from the couch to the coffee table right in front of me and wonder when she’ll take her first steps, I remind myself that they’re doing it on their terms, and I shouldn’t push or expect more than what they’re willing to give.

Tools For Pre Walkers - Huggies and Cruising

When babies find freedom – the freedom to move on their own, the freedom to take their first steps, the freedom to start making their own decisions – a whole new world opens up. They gain confidence, strength, and knowledge about the world that they didn’t already have. And it’s amazing to watch. Along with this newfound freedom is the need for tools that help along the way. Now that Norah is at that pre-walking stage, I am trying to make sure she has those tools to ensure success.

Tools For Pre-Walkers - soft soled shoes

Tools For Pre-Walkers

1. Huggies Little Movers Diapers –

Any active baby needs a great diaper to ensure that they will have the freedom of movement as they explore their environment. We’ve come to know Huggies Little Movers Diapers very well over the past few months and love that we can rely on them to keep our little one dry and happy throughout the day even when she’s moving around the house like crazy. They have a Moving Baby System that is made up of three key features including a DryTouch® liner that absorbs on contact, double grip strips for a fit that lasts, and a contoured diaper shape that allows baby to move freely.

I’ve found that the double grip strips are probably my favorite feature. I don’t have to worry about the tab coming undone like I’ve had happen in the past with other diapers. And the contoured diaper shape stays in place and fits securely around her. Plus the fact that we haven’t had any leaks is an added bonus!

2. Push Toys Instead Of Baby Walkers –

While some may think of walkers for their babies to help them, I’ve found that push toys can do the exact same thing but limit the number of injuries possible. The best part about push toys is that you have options. You can go through the various products out there and choose one that fits your house, your life, your baby. There are standard push toys, ride-on push toys, and I’ve even found  walking tables like these that are intuitively designed to provide stability for children while transitioning from sitting to kneeling, standing and walking!

I was at an event a few weeks ago and found a walking table that would have been perfect to get for the kids when they were a little younger. It is the perfect thing to pull up on, help stand and help walk around. I didn’t pull the trigger because we have other push toys available right now and Norah is so close to walking. But had she been younger, that would be the product I’d purchase for her. I just wasn’t sure what we’d do with it when she actually started to walk since it’s really not a seat, it’s a table.

3. Soft Soled Shoes –

While I believe that barefoot is best for beginning or pre-walkers, when out and about where there may be some rough or rocky terrain, I love soft soled shoes. When we go on walks to the park as a family and the ground may be too cold for her little feet, or too wet for socks, soft soled shoes allow her to move around or crawl without hurting her toes. Plus when she does start walking, she can continue to use the soft soled shoes as she gets more comfortable with shoes on her feet. After she becomes more confident in taking steps, we head to the local shoe store to get properly fitted for walking shoes.

When Babies Find Freedom Tools For Pre-Walkers - huggies little movers diapers

What tools do you provide your pre-walker?

Try Huggies Little Movers Diapers today, and share a photo of your active baby using #SetBabyFree for the chance to be featured on Huggies social channels.

Visit the Huggies website for more information.

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