Exploring the Boston Museum of Science {Boston Trip Day 2}

exploring boston 2013 day 2

On day 2 in Boston we decided to explore the city a bit more and took advantage of our City Passes. First stop was the Boston Museum of Science where we explored the various exhibits they had on display, played in the kids Discovery Center, and watched an electrifying lightning show.

The kids absolutely loved the experience and asked to go again almost every other day we were in Boston. This is a must visit museum if you have kids. From gears to dinosaurs to bugs and more, there’s something for everyone.

boston museum of science discovery center for kids

Kids Discovery Center

As soon as we got to the museum, the wonderful lady at the ticket counter saw our kids and said we shouldn’t miss the Discovery Center. So while we were waiting for my brother-in-law and his wife to meet us at the museum we headed that way.

The first thing the kids saw were the animals on display. Amphibians, reptiles, and a few mammals were in cages waiting to be checked out. The kids also had the opportunity to dress up like animals themselves as they discovered new areas to explore downstairs.

Then we made our way upstairs by following a large snake skeleton that spanned the length of the banister. There we found even more hands-on fun for the kids including a very cool look at how our plumbing works.

boston museum of science discovery center

boston museum of science discovery center building

To The Moon and Back

Once we met up with our family we explored the main museum exhibits including a few pieces featuring space travel.

There are quite a few exhibits to explore right now and my kids wanted to see every one. They learned how x-rays worked, saw models of various engines, boats, and motor vehicles, and learned how scientists make models.

I could hardly keep up with the kids as they ran from place to place trying to take it all in. We could have spent the whole day just at the museum if we let them.

boston museum of science moon exploration

boston museum of science electricity presentation

Electrifying Lightning Show

Halfway through our visit of the museum we stopped at the Theater of Electricity to see Lighting! 

The show includes indoor bolts produced by the world’s largest air-insulated Van de Graaff generator spark exciting explorations of lightning, conductors, insulators, electricity, magnetism, and storm safety.

While it was a very cool show, it was a bit loud for our two year old so we explored more of the museum while the rest of our party stayed for the full show. My 4 year old loved it though as did my husband and brother-in-law.

boston museum of science dinosaurs

Dinos, Bones, and Poop

We ended the trip at my son’s favorite place… the dinosaur exhibits. He had been begging us to go to see the dinosaurs since we landed and he finally got what he asked for.

In the dinosaur exhibit we were able to see full size replicas of dinosaur fossils, check out what the dinos might have looked like, and even got a glimpse at a slice of dinosaur poop. Of course that amused my 2 and 4 year olds.

But being able to see his favorite subject up close was definitely enjoyable for my little scientist.

boston museum of science dinosaur poop

If you’re planning a trip to Boston or live in the area I highly suggest checking out the museum. You might not get to see the whole thing in a day but it’s always nice to have something to look forward to on your next visit.

I know we’ll be back the next time we’re in town!

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  1. That looks like so much fun! Boston is definitely on our list, so i will keep this in mind for the kiddos!

  2. That looks like such an awesome place to visit! My kids love visiting museums and science centers so this would be perfect if we ever make our way to Boston!

  3. i really need to bring my kids back up there- we haven’t been in a few years (we live in ct) and it’s AWESOME. fabulous kid musem

  4. Boston is a city that is definitely on my list. Looks like a fun museum. I’ll definitely check it out if I ever make it up there.

  5. Wow! This makes me want to visit Boston! 🙂 What an awesome museum

  6. Oh! Looks like so much fun! We have a similar museum here in Edmonton, Alberta called the Telus World of Science. It a lot of fun to go to these types of museums. So much to learn 🙂

  7. What a great post. We are headed to Boston next year during school break and will definitely to head to the science museum.

  8. Wow! My boys would go NUTS in there! We have a tiny little science museum for kids here but the one in Boston looks incredible! I will for sure remember that if/when we get over that way.. 🙂

  9. I would love to visit Boston! This looks like so much fun! I know hubby would enjoy it – probably more than the kids! 🙂

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