Dear N: Two Months Old

Norah 2 Months Old

Oh, Norah. My perfect little angel. How have you already been here for 2 months? These past two months have been a whirlwind and I am so glad that you are finally here to complete our family. From your big, beautiful smile that graces us each and every morning when we wake up, to your coos and babbles when hanging out with your brother and sister, you are one awesome baby. 

Not only are you a sweetheart but you’re such a laid back girl. I’m so lucky that you go with the flow and don’t mind hanging out on your own next to me while I work during the day. You love to stretch and move your arms and legs and enjoy watching the comotion around you when everyone is home.


You don’t complain much during tummy time and have gotten so good at lifting that large noggin of yours. You also love following everyone around the room when you hear us. You can find me wherever I am as soon as you hear me speak.

I love the way you smile and coo every time someone starts to interact with you. You really do enjoy chatting with your siblings, Grandma Ann, and Daddy. You’ve even started to mimic me and Molly when we stick our tongue out at you!

You haven’t rolled over again since the fluke time when you were 3 weeks old but that’s ok! We’re in no hurry for you to get more mobile! Then that means we’d have to start thinking about baby proofing the house and that is going to be a huge task with your LEGO loving brother and jewelry loving sister.


There were quite a few firsts for you this month including your first Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and your first Easter! Not to mention trips to the pool, beach, San Diego Zoo, Legoland, and Sea World. You’ve been quite a busy lady!

You also headed over to Grandma’s house on the eve of your 2 month birthday while Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a much needed date night to see Mamma Mia! I forgot what it felt like to not have you in my arms.

But don’t worry, we raced back to scoop you up again. And you only cried/fussed for about 15 minutes of the time we were gone. Grandma even got you to take your bottle! Much better than your sister did at that age.

Norah Litle Dandelion Boutique Easter Dress 1

I’m so excited for the months to come and cannot wait to see how you grow and develop. You truly have made our family better.

I love you, Norah!

2 Month Stats:

Weight: 14lbs 5oz – 97th percentile

Height: 25 1/4 inches – over 100th percentile

Head Circumference: 42 cm – over 100th percentile

2 Month Comparison

Two Month Comparisons

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Awww she’s absolutely adorable! These photos make me want another baby.. (Shhhh don’t tell Jer! Ha) 🙂

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