Why We Wait In Line For Donut Bar San Diego

Donut Bar San Diego Line Outside

Last Sunday we headed downtown (about 10 minutes from our house) to visit Donut Bar San Diego for the second time. The first time was so much fun we thought we’d give it a go again… and try more flavors!

So why did we wait in line for a donut place? No, it’s not because we’re crazy. It’s because it was worth it. And we really love donuts.

Not only is Donut Bar a great place to stop for an awesome donut, they have great coffee and waffless too. Yeah… my husband was pretty sold on the waffles. 

Donut Bar San Diego Daily Menu

When we first walked up we checked out the donuts they had on their menu for the day. Each day they change things up so make sure to check their Facebook page to make sure there’s something that tickles your fancy before you head in.

We headed over around 9am in hopes that there’d be a larger selection than the first time we went. But honestly we would have tried any of the flavors they had on the menu. Each looked just as exciting as the last.

Donut Bar San Diego dreaming of donuts

While waiting we can peek through the window and make our choices. Sometimes we need to get a little closer. I promise we wiped off the smudges from his face planted on the window! He was pretty enamored by this big pink beauty.

Once we walked through the doors we were helped pretty quickly. The staff is great about getting everyone taken care of and are super helpful with suggestions if you’re stumped. This visit we opted for the apple orchard, red velvet, bubble gum, maple bar and birthday cake.

We also grabbed a naked waffle, chocolate milks, and a coffee for me.

Donut Bar San Diego selection

There is a limited amount of seating on the second story of the building but I’ve never been lucky enough to actually snag a seat. It may or may not be because people behind me in line have gone up to save seats before they’ve checked out (I’m not complaining or anything…)

But we don’t mind taking our box of delicious donuts and heading home to enjoy them. They still taste just as good!

Next time I’ll be trying some of their specialty waffles. I’m almost tempted to head over after dropping the kids off at school during the week. How bad is that?

Donut Bar San Diego our selection


Donut Bar is located on 631 B Street in San Diego and is open at 7am Mon-Fri and 8am on Saturday and Sunday to 1pm or when they sell out. And believe me… they can sell out fast!

If you’re looking for the best selection I suggest heading over closer to when they open for your best bets. Oh… and definitely like their Facebook page to see if they have any promotions going. Sometimes kids get a free donut on the weekend!

What’s your go-to donut flavor? What donut flavor would you like to try?

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Wow – a donut shop with a line? They must be CRAZY good! I’m dying to try one now. 🙂

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