Firefly Wellness Review and Giveaway {Massage Therapist and Esthetician in San Diego}

Every mom needs to find a moment or two to herself. Over the years have come to realize how important it really is to take time for myself and indulge in some pampering every once in a while. And in the crazy hectic world I live in, taking an hour or two every few weeks just for me helps keep me sane. I am a better mother, wife, friend because of it.

So when I first heard of Karen of Firefly Wellness through Joann’s Sign4Baby facebook page I knew I had to check her services out. Karen not only provides massage therapy but is a licensed esthetician as well.  She has been working as a massage therapist and esthetician in San Diego for 11 years. And her office is conveniently located in North Park, right up the freeway from us!

Background about Firefly Wellness
She started out in the corporate world as a computer programmer. She would hold training seminars and programed for a large software company. After a while she began to realize that she didn’t love what she was doing and decided to “jump ship”. She went to school to become a licensed massage therapist and esthetician and started working in a spa. After a few years the spa closed shop and Karen made the jump from working in a spa to working in her own private office.

She continued to work at other locations offering chair massages at events and going to clients homes for in-home services. But when she gave birth to her son 4 1/2 years ago she decided to move her business all to her private office and now provides services in a beautiful and tranquil cottage in North Park. When you walk into her courtyard you first find a cozy seating area usually occupied by a friendly and cuddly black cat. Then you are taken into the room and are immediately put at ease by the calm and tranquil energies that surround the area.

Why You’ll Love Firefly
Karen takes her time in talking with you about your main concerns, what you want to focus on and what she can do to help you out. If you are receiving a facial or microdermabrasion treatment she will ask about your skin and what your goals are. She can customize the treatment she uses to your needs. And her massage therapy techniques aren’t any different, every massage is customized to the need of the client. Karen’s life experiences and education have helped her become an amazing massage therapist and esthetician.

I’ve experienced both her prenatal massage and mini facial. Both were amazing experiences. With my first pregnancy a good friend told me how important massage was for my pregnant body. So I made sure to indulge twice during my second trimester and once during my third. When I became pregnant with Molly I knew I wanted to do the same (if not more often). So I decided to try Firefly. And I was so glad that I did. I left her office relaxed and refreshed. My sore back and aching shoulders felt much better and it wasn’t as difficult to pick up my son. Caring for a toddler really takes a toll on a pregnant woman’s body!

And the mini facial I received was the perfect end to my week. I went with a more relaxing facial then an extraction-based facial and when I left I definitely felt relaxed. I almost wish I upgraded to a full hour facial like Laura did. I was cleansed, massaged and masked. My skin and lips were glowing afterwards. And not only does my skin feel amazing, I was given great suggestions for products to use on my face to continue the glow. And I’ve already booked a pumpkin peel with Firefly Wellness for later on this month.

Services Offered

Each facial is customized for the client depending on their skin type and current skin condition. Facials may include any combination of the following: cleansing, exfoliating,extractions, massage, mask and hand/arm massage. Facials can also be combined with microdermabrasion

Firefly Signature Facial – $80.00
Mini Facial – $50.00
  – De-stress and Relaxation – $50.00
  – Deep clean/extractions – $50.00
Back Facial – $80.00

Microdermabrasion improves skin texture while diminishing fine lines, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone and the appearance of scarring, resulting in smoother, lighter, and brighter skin. There is minimal discomfort and no recovery time is required.

Microdermabrasion – $80.00
Body Microdermabrasion $65.00/area
  – back, chest, arms, hands

Facial & Microdermabrasion – $140.00

Each massage is customized for the client based on their current needs.
– Deep Tissue Massage
– Circulatory Massage
– Pregnancy Massage
– Neuromuscular Therapy

30 Minute Session – $50.00
60 Minute Session – $80.00
90 Minute Session – $110.00

Firefly Wellness also offers skin rejuvination treatments as well as waxing. Basically Firefly Wellness is a one stop shop for all of your pampering needs! And packages are offered with discounted pricing. There are two different payment options for packages; either pay as you go or pay up front for a $10 discount. Gift certificates are also available for purchase.

Special Offer
Firefly Wellness is currently offering a BOGO 1/2 off special on a Pumpkin Peel. Come in before October 15 for a Pumpkin Peel and schedule another one before the end of the year to get the BOGO deal.

The regular price for a Pumpkin Peel is $80, so with this deal you can get two for $120. (Must be paid in full at first appointment.) There is a limited number of openings for this deal, so call now to reserve your time!

There are also options to add the Pumpkin Peel on to a full facial, and it can be a great compliment to microdermabrasion as well.

To reserve your time and schedule your Pumpkin Peels, call 619.249.4323, or email

Win a Treatment! 

Firefly Wellness has been kind enough to offer one lucky reader a 30 minute massage, facial or microdermabrasion treatment – winner’s choice! Want to know how to win? It’s simple. Just follow the instructions below and enter your responses in the Rafflecopter prompts.

(can’t see the form to fill out above? just leave a comment with your name & email and you’ll be entered)

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Wife and Planner says

    I’m stressed, it’s time for some ME time! Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. cause I’m stressed….!

  3. Oh, I would love this! I love trying new places!

  4. I could totally use a massage after the MS 50 mile, 3 day walk I participated in last weekend!

  5. Planning a wedding and trying to lose weight is stressful! A facial to help me stay calm would be awesome!

  6. I would love to win facial. This mama is in need of some me time 🙂

  7. 3 kids, 1 business, 2 blogs, 1 husband, and lots of clients to serve – this requires LOTS of energy and therefore I need refueling often! That’s why I see Karen regularly – so if I win this I’ll be upgrading to a Back Facial! I’ve always wanted one of those, haven’t you?

  8. because I am preggo and need a de-stressing moment. ha ha!

  9. Even being a Mommy of one takes a toll on your body- especially being sleep deprived! I would love to have a facial and some relaxation time!


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