Encourage Reading with Kids Reading Nook Ideas

The one thing I will never deny my child is a book. No matter where we are, if my kid finds a book they love, I’m going to get it for them (within reason). I can say no to more toys, more clothes, more shoes, but I can’t say no to books! So I decided to find out how to encourage reading even more and was amazed at the great kids reading nook ideas I came across.

Not only would the kids be able to have a place to access their books, they could cozy up and read them as long as they want.

I read somewhere that the biggest hurdle at home to get kids to read was the lack of books available to them. They either didn’t have many books to access or there wasn’t a place to put them. So from a very young age I’ve made sure that my kids have access to many different books. And we may have taken it a bit overboard.

We have books pouring out of every room in the house. So having one central location for most of the kids books was a big priority when we rearranged the room and moved some furniture. And with this change we created our kids reading nook.

Kids Reading Nook Ideas

Kids Reading Nook Ideas

As with most of my inspiration for things we do in the home I turned to Pinterest for great ideas on how to create our reading nook. And I loved what I found! But because we have limited funds and limited space a few of the ideas I came across will only happen if we expand. But it’s still fun to dream!

Here are a few of my favorite designs:

DIY Bookcase Reading Nook

Perfect Playroom Seating & Reading Nook

Gutters Turned Into Book Shelves

Framed Book Art Reading Book Nook

Closet Book Nook


Kids Reading Nook Ideas - Comfy Seating a Must

The Perfect Reading Nook for Us

Now in researching what we wanted in our reading nook I knew there were two main factors to consider:

1. Access to Books


2. Comfy Seating

The access to books wasn’t a problem for us. Since we already had a large bookshelf that we were removing from our room we figured what better place to put it than the kids room!

That way all of the books they have could fit in their room in one space. And we could always circulate the books around from shelf to shelf so they could have “new” books to read.

The main problem was room for seating. Our house is small and while we have many seating areas, they weren’t great solutions for the configuration of the kids room. So we went basic. We grabbed some pillows and tossed them on the ground by the bookshelf.

My daughter, being ever so bright, leaned one up against the bed and sat on the other creating a seat just for her! And their reading nook was born.

Kids Reading Nook Idea - Access to Books

Encouraging Kids to Read

There are many great ways to continue to encourage kids to read. And one of those is to make sure they have books that are great for their age.

Here are a few great posts from fellow bloggers with some suggestions for reading materials as well as great ideas on how to get our kids to read:

  1. 15 Board Books for Young Toddlers
  2. Favorite Books of March
  3. 5 Tips for Teaching Your Toddler Early Reading Skills
  4. Create Your Own Summer Reading Program for Kids
  5. How to Raise Children Who Love To Read
  6. A Spring Snack, Craft, and a Book (get kids interested in reading by crafting and eating!)
  7. Favorite Books to Read to Your Child
  8. The Back-To-School Book List
  9. 10 Books for International Children’s Book Day
  10. Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program

How do you encourage your kids to read?

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. My Mom bought my daughter a little tot-size armchair for Christmas last year and we tucked it in next to her bookshelf. We’ve been very fortunate that she absolutely loves to read – to herself, to us, and to have us read to her, multiple times per day.

    Your pillows look so comfy and inviting, I would totally curl up there, myself!

    Thanks for sharing a link to my book suggestions. Many of those are still her past favorites that she knows by heart and “reads” to us 🙂

  2. I just LOVE this! Since even before my first was born, I have been obsessed with collecting books for kids. I knew that I had to transfer my love for books onto my kids, especially since early reading isn’t a huge priority for a lot of people.. So needless to say, now that I have three kids, they have an insane amount of books and we read together every day. I’ve wanted to do a reading nook for them for a long while so I will definitely remember these ideas!

  3. This is a really great idea! We have tons of books for our kids, now we need a nook!

  4. Our kiddos have two shelves of books; the higher shelf is for my older kiddo, while the lower shelf is for my toddler. They have reading time before bed and have special seats just for reading.

  5. This looks so cozy! I’d love to read there, I might have to make an adult version! 🙂

  6. Kim Bergeron says

    I love getting my kids to read!

  7. I love your ideas! We just made over the corner of my son’s room and added bookshelves and a beanbag – it’s his favorite place to be now!

  8. That’s a great reading nook! We made a little “reading cave” for my daughter when she was younger and she loved it. She also loved anytime we could connect the books with something in real life – a food or craft or outing that matched the theme.

  9. I just love this and that it can be set up so simply! I didn’t have a reading nook set up for my son, but we often sat down to read snuggled up together on the sofa.

  10. I am going to come back to this when I get home tonight. I so want to build a nook for my kiddos! We just went and got over 25 books for my 7 year old last night (used of course) and I have been buying “free” Kindle books for my 5 year old as we try to prep him for Kindergarten. I’m sure my daughter would love a reading nook and it would help keep her attention off of the television and onto her books! Thanks for the idea – I love it and would have never thought of it on my own!

  11. Thanks for linking up to Savings in Seconds! We have shelves upon shelves of books. I buy most of our kids’ books at yard sales……people love to get rid of them for a quarter apiece, and I don’t mind passing them on after we finish them!

  12. So adorable! Look at Molly getting snuggled in with her books. I have been wanting to make a reading nook for years and I keep forgettting so thank you for the reminder to get back to that!

  13. True. We should encourage our young kids to read. I can remember when I was small my mum motivated me to read lots of books and when I was a teenager I was a good girl with a good knowledge. We should read as a hobby as a result we will be a good knowledgeable people automatically.

  14. I love your ideas. My son loves books, but he doesn’t yet have a place dedicated to reading them. Once we are back in our own place (not living with family) this will be a must have!


  1. […] access to books (consider creating a kids reading nook to make it […]

  2. […] a comfy spot for your little ones to read in? Check out my Kids Reading Nook Ideas (and other great ways to encourage reading) by clicking on the photo […]

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