Our Daughter Was Bit By A Dog

Yesterday was one of the most terrifying days of my life. My daughter was bit by a dog. And not any dog, our family dog.

While we know it was not intentional and just a snap it was enough to do a lot of damage to her face.

Yesterday afternoon as I was getting my son after he woke up from his nap my daughter played blocks on the rug in our living room with my dog sleeping nearby.

As we started to walk out of the bedrooms and down the hallway to the living room we heard a bark and a scream from my daughter.

I nearly pushed my son out of the way to run to where my daughter sat. With blood on her face. I had no idea how bad it was or what exactly happened but would later find out that she touched his paws (something he’s always nervous about) and he snapped at her.

That’s all it took to cause this much damage…

Warning: the following photos are graphic!

dog bite before stitches

As soon as I saw the major gash on her cheek I nixed the idea of driving to Children’s Hospital myself and called 911. 15 minutes after I called the firetruck and ambulance arrived.

What happened afterwards was all a blur but I do have to say that I am so grateful for the men who rushed to our aid. The firefighters quickly ran to my daughter and the chief took my son aside to talk to and comfort him.

The parametic firefighter tried cleaning off her cuts to see how bad they were but my little feisty girl wanted nothing to do with that. We had to wait until we got to the hospital to actually see more of what happened.

When we arrived at Children’s we checked in and met my husband (who had driven from work to the hospital and luckily saw us through the doors of the ER waiting room.

We went into their trauma room and the nurses gave her an IV and took her temperature and blood pressure. The doctor arrived shortly after and checked her wounds. Because she had eaten a bit earlier we had to wait 4 hours before we were able to go into surgery.

Luckily, one of the best kids plastic surgeons was at the hospital and would be available to stitch her up.

dog bite coming out of surgery

The four hours we had to wait seemed like an eternity. But with antibiotics and morphine in her she was starting to act like her normal self. She constantly asked if we could remove the IV but other than that she was chatting up a storm and making every nurse love her.

Once they were ready to put her under they explained everything to us in detail. They let us know what to expect, what they would do, and what we would see after. She was so tired by that time (a little after 8pm and her bedtime) that the drugs worked quickly.

We had to wait in the waiting area while they sewed her up and luckily my brother in law was awesome enough to bring us some dinner. We ate quickly and soon the doctor came out to tell us things were going great.

Shortly after the plastic surgeon came out when he was finished and chatted with us about what to do in the coming days and what we should look out for. After that we just had to wait for her to wake up.

The waiting was pretty hard since she was so tired. She did NOT want to get up. But luckily she started coming to and by 10pm we were headed home.

Here’s what she looked like this morning all stitched up. She’s not very happy about the steri strips.

Bit By A Dog

We have a long road ahead of us and lots of healing but luckily we don’t see any damage other than scarring in our future. And we’ve been given great tips on how to reduce the scarring.

I’ll keep an update on how she’s doing and how she’s reacting to the whole situation. For now we’re keeping our dog outside during the day and only letting him in the house for bedtime. She isn’t quite ready to have her around him more than that.

We’re going to watch her cues and take her leads to decide on any other measures that need to be taken.

We’d love prayers for quick healing and no infections. We are so grateful that our baby is with us and the damage wasn’t more severe.

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Oh, Danielle. I’m so sorry this happened but as you said, I am glad it wasn’t any worse and that your daughter is there with you despite her injuries.

    Sending you and your family virtual hugs as you recover from this.


  2. Oh… I have been so worried since you posted last night. I cannot imagine. Praying for a quick, complete recovery for your sweet daughter.

  3. oh goodness, danielle! definitely praying for your sweet little girl and for your whole family. so happy to see her pic from this morning and that she’s hanging in there. what a trooper! 😉

  4. Poor baby! Hoping that her recovery is quick and that she forgets this ever happened! Keeping all of you in my thoughts.

  5. Oh my goodness! I couldn’t imagine. I have been worried since I saw this last night. I’m glad to know the surgery seems to have gone well. I hope things continue to improve. Please let me know if I can do anything.

  6. I am so sorry you and poor Miss M had to deal with that. Happy to hear she is handling it well so far and you had such awesome response!

  7. Danielle,

    So sorry Molly had go through all of that! Thank God she is okay and will recover! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Hoping you recover as well! Much love to all of you!


  8. Oh my dear friend, you are in my thoughts. Love to Miss M.

  9. Oh my goodness, you poor sweet girl! I am so sorry this happened to her, Danielle! Sending prayers for a quick recovery!

  10. Danielle, so very sorry. Poor little baby. Makes me cry for her. I hope she recovers quickly. Hugs to all of you. If I can do anything at all, please let me know.

  11. OMG Danielle!! How scary!! This brought tears to my eyes. Praying for your little girl.

  12. BabyBumpBeyond Heather says

    Oh my goodness!! Poor baby!! I hope she heals quickly and doesn’t have any scaring (physical or emotional).
    Hugs for all of you!

  13. Michelle Elizondo says

    Dani, I’m sorry this happened and I’m sorry I didn’t get to send send more prayers at the time it happened. I ‘m just relieved she’s going to be okay, and that the hospital did an amazing job helping you guys. She’ll continue to be in my prayers. I’ll be checking in to see how things are going. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  14. Wow Danielle, you and your daughter are so very brave. Let me know if I can help in any way – seriously, I’m not far…I can bring groceries, make a Starbucks run, come give you a hug. You name it!

  15. This is so scary. I hope she heals quickly

  16. Oh my goodness Danielle, I didn’t realize until I just saw this!! How terrifying for your whole family, but you handled it like a champ. I am SO happy to hear that Molly is okay and am wishing her the most speedy recovery possible!

  17. I’m catching up on the story now. Poor baby. How scary for all of you. Anything I can do please let me know. Many hugs.

  18. Oh my goodness Danielle! How scary for everyone…you were so strong through it. Praying that all goes well for her. Poor baby…

  19. Pamela Brock says

    Oh my gosh!! So sorry to hear about your baby. How scary.

  20. Poor baby – hope she heals soon 🙁

  21. I’m in tears just thinking how scary this must have been for you and your family I hope Molly is feeling ok tonight. I wanted to let you know my husband was bit by a dog when he was a child. I showed him the picture and he said it was very similar to the bite he had gotten (I won’t go into details here but feel free to message me if you want to chat). His bite healed almost completely. Its only something he notices, but noone else does. He has to actually point it out for me to see it, and even then I can’t really tell. Not sure if this helps at all, but wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your family. Sending you and your family lots of hugs and love right now :!

    • I appreciate it, Stacey! We’ve been reassured by the plastic surgeon that if we take the proper precautions over the next 6 months (sunscreen liberally, hat at all times in the sun) there should be minimal scarring. We were very happy to hear that!

  22. Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Having been in that situation before (although not our dog, it was our neighbors) my heart goes out to all of you. I pray she heals quickly, both emotionally and physically. Sending you all much love.

  23. I just left a comment on Facebook, and I am in tears after reading your experience. I am so sorry for what happened. I pray for a smooth recovery for the entire family, for Molly to heal physically and emotionally. Thanks for sharing even though it was probably hard, it was probably healing as well. I am here for you if you need anything. Take care.

  24. Theresa Vargas says

    My heart goes out to you and Molly! I hope she recovers quickly mentally and physically. I have had a similar incident happen to A child in my care with our then family dog. Child woke dog from deep sleep and dog got scared and reacted. Dog knew what he did was wrong and was in the corner shaking by the time I took the 5 steps from kitchen to living room. The dog could have done much much worse if it was intentional (bull mastiff). The child came back the next day asking for the dog (locked outside) wanting to play with him. Your in my thoughts and prayers!

  25. Oh my goodness Danielle, I just saw your pic on Facebook and immediately came to your blog to see what exactly happened! Your precious angel is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! May this be the scariest thing your family has to experience for a long time. It relly is unfortunate that your family dog is the cause of your baby’s pain. Sending you all my love! ~ Jennifer

  26. Hello, I am so sorry for what happened to your child. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know that this might be hard for you but please don’t be angry with your dog. He was just trying to warn your daughter away from his paws the only way he knew how. This experience may be scary now but I promise you that it gets better, as long as you can handle the situation properly. My mother had 2 biting dogs when I was growing up. One of them was food aggressive and the other had psychological issues. My mom always made absolute sure that I knew how to behave around them. The few times that I was bitten was the result of not following my mother’s directions. Yes, I have scars now from those bites but I am a much wiser and more dog-savvy for it. They say that the lessons that you have to learn the hard way are the ones that stick with you the longest. I bet your daughter will never try to touch your dogs paws again. Being a dog owner is like being a mom and please remember to keep your commitment to both your child and your dog. With a lesson learned and your loving guidance, your daughter will grow up to be a caring, wise dog owner herself someday. Blessed be you and your family!!! 🙂

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