Peanut Butter Oatmeal {Breakfast Recipe}

As I mentioned yesterday, my daughter now has to take an iron supplement. We’ve had great luck over the first few days with making her smoothies when it was time to take her supplement but now she’s no longer interested.

So this morning I thought I’d put a spin on her favorite breakfast meal. I added her two favorite foods, peanut butter and oatmeal, and threw in a banana to find that this finger-licking good meal would be completely devoured before my eyes!

The results were exactly what this mama wanted.

The first time since we started her iron supplements and she actually finished a whole dose! In the form of peanut butter oatmeal, of course.

And an even better bonus is the fact that one serving is only 4 points. Paired with a banana this makes a delicious breakfast for my kids and me. And it’s a bit faster to whip up than my baked peanut butter and banana oatmeal squares.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Breakfast

Peanut Butter Oatmeal 

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • banana to top, optional

Add all ingredients to a small saucepan. Cook on medium low heat stirring frequently. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until oatmeal is creamy and all ingredients are incorporated.

Spoon into a few bowls and enjoy this delicious breakfast!

Serves 2 | 4 WW+ Points

First my daughter tried eating her oatmeal with a spoon.
When that didn’t get it to her mouth fast enough she went with her hands and got much more!
The oatmeal was so good she licked each finger clean after finishing her bowl! Now that’s a success.
Pinterest Inspiration


  1. She’s such a cutie! I especially love the last photo with the sucked in cheeks :0

  2. royalegacy says

    I am going to have to try this since it is finger lickin’ good!

  3. looks good. i will have to try this recipe.

  4. We are big peanut butter lovers here. Love the photos.

  5. Colleen Lanin at Travel Mamas says

    Sounds yummy! I love me some peanut butter!

  6. San Diego Momma says

    Oh sweet LORD, that looks good. My kids would be all over it. (Not to mention, me.)

  7. I’m going to try this! Love when simple things come to mind and actually work.

  8. Success! Always gratifying when they eat up that way.

  9. We had a terrible time trying to get Addie to take the iron supplement for a little while. We now graduated to chewable iron supplements that are strawberry and shaped like kitties 🙂 Great recipe!

  10. This is a great way to sneak some protein into my daughter’s diet. I swear, she thinks we’re vegetarians.


  1. […] you can have it cooking all night! But if you forget to set the crock pot, don’t worry! This peanut butter oatmeal is super easy to […]

  2. […] you’re looking for more tasty oatmeal goodness why not try my coconut oatmeal or peanut butter oatmeal? Both are crowd-pleasers around […]

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