Preparing for Breastfeeding Twins

This post about preparing for breastfeeding twins is sponsored by Philips Avent.

Even though I’ve never done it, I know that breastfeeding twins takes a lot more work and dedication than breastfeeding a singleton. Besides the fact that there are two babies getting their nutrients from you, there’s also the fact that preparing for breastfeeding twins can be quite daunting for a first time mother.

So when my brother’s girlfriend told me that she wanted to try breastfeeding her expected twins I knew I wanted to help as much as she’d allow me. And that started with realizing the importance of a good breast pump.

In the early days of my children’s lives I felt as if I always had a newborn on the boob. At least for the first 6 weeks. My shirt felt as if it were always lifted up or off all together. No, seriously… it totally was! Even though I completely loved breastfeeding, it was exhausting. But then we got the hang of it, figured out a rhythm, and had great success.

Kylie pregnant with babies ultrasound

In an effort to help out, I’ve researched and read about how one can prepare for breastfeeding twins. Here’s what I found out:

Preparing for Breastfeeding Twins

1. Have the right gear

Investing in an awesome, hospital-grade breast pump like the Philips AVENT Double Electric Comfort Breast Pump can make breastfeeding a bit easier. Especially if one baby is sleeping and the other is eating. If you can find the time to pump,Ā  your significant other can feed the baby when you’re resting.

Moms can express milk without leaning forward due to its unique design. The Philips AVENT Comfort Breast Pump has three pumping settings to adjust to Mom’s needs and also allows mom to pump directly into a Philips AVENT Natural Bottle.

A great tool when I was breastfeeding my kids as infants was a breastfeeding pillow. They offer support for the babies as well as rest for your arms so you can focus on cuddling with your nurslings. You can buy nursing pillows designed specifically for nursing twins (some nursing moms recommend the EZ-2-Nurse Twins pillow or the NurseMate pillow because they have large, firm surfaces that will support two babies at once, freeing your hands to reposition or burp each baby).

2. Have a support team

Find a doctor who encourages breastfeeding and supports your ideas about childcare. Join a Mother of Twins club. Get in touch with a lactation specialist (go to the Web site of theInternational Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) and type in your zip code for a consultant near you) or someone from La Leche League International who can be with you right after the birth to help you get started nursing.

If your babies have to be cared for in the hospital and you’re unable to nurse right away, start pumping your milk on the first day. It can be refrigerated or frozen, in sterile containers, for use later.

3. Take care of yourself too!

Remember that old saying, sleep when babies sleep. I know how hard this can be but with twins you really do need your rest.

If you have a significant other, make sure you’re letting them take over the reigns even if for just 15-20 minutes so you can take a nice shower or eat a meal. Get out of hearing range of the babies so you aren’t distracted by them. Take this much needed time to yourself.

Philips AVENT Double Electric Comfort Breast Pump close up

And just remember, it takes the same amount of time to simultaneously bottle-feed your babies as it does to breastfeed them at the same time. Yet bottle-feeding also requires additional time for washing and sterilizing bottles and preparing and warming formula.

According to calculations from La Leche League International, breastfeeding during the first year saves a mother of twins about 300 hours and more than $1,200! For a young couple like my brother and his partner, if they are able to breastfeed even 1/2 of the time, they’re saving time and money.

Luckily companies like Philips AVENT understand how difficult it can be to breastfeed and offer their support in the form of great gear that can really help out a breastfeeding mother. Stay tuned! Next week we’ll feature the great feeding supplies Philips AVENT also carries.

Do you have any advice for first time mother’s wanting to breastfeed?

Disclaimer: My brother received a Philips AVENT Double Electric Comfort Breast Pump for his girlfriend in exchange for this post. Once the babies are here she’ll be reviewing for the Simmworks Family Blog. I can’t wait to have her! But for now, all opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links to Amazon.

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  1. These are great tips! I imagine it must be a challenge to breastfeed two babies at once!

  2. Drink a lot of water. Tons. And remember that you’ll need to keep eating enough calories to produce milk.

  3. This is such a great post. That support team will certainly come in handy for her twins. Staying hydrated, eating healthy and lots of rest will be so important for her.

  4. Is this a hint that you’re expecting two new additions to your family? šŸ˜‰

    • YES! Anthony’s girlfriend is expecting twins, a boy AND a girl! And Breeann is expecting her third as well. She’ll go in for the anatomy scan soon šŸ™‚

  5. I will always remember those moments when I breastfed my babies and talked to them and sang to them and cuddled them. It is a great way to just spend phyical closeness together and babies love that.

  6. Great tips, but I really have none to offer. I wasn’t successful at breastfeeding my first.

  7. I always wanted twins, but now that I have three kids (separate in age) I’m not sure I could handle twins!!! I say, if you can make it past the first 6 weeks, you are golden! The first 6 weeks are tough, but hang in there!

  8. I exclusively pumped with this exact pump for almost a year! It is truly a fantastic pump! Kuddos for BF twins! Amazing!

  9. Positioning is really important…it should not be painful if you’re breastfeeding correctly.

  10. Oh pumping. Pumping and I were not friends….ever. A good breast pump IS essential, but sometimes they aren’t enough. I think I was too high stress to get a good supply when I pumped. Best of luck to your family!

  11. These are great tips for sure

  12. Great tips, especially taking care of yourself. As new moms, we often forget to take care of ourselves. Try preparing freezer meals before hand, so you can just pop food in the oven.

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