Simple Success with the Weight Watchers Simple Start App

I was given a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan and write about my experience.Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own.

Weight Watchers Simple Start App success  #SimpleStart

Over the past two weeks I’ve jumped back in to the Weight Watchers lifestyle with the help of the Weight Watchers Simple Start app. And during these two weeks I’ve learned a lot about myself and what I’m capable of.

Now I’ve never had problems losing weight. it’s sticking with a weight loss plan/healthy lifestyle that I have trouble with. But luckily I’ve found over these two weeks that Simple Start is my answer to this problem.

Whenever I get tired of counting points I can simply switch to Simple Start for two weeks to reset myself and focus on eating until I am comfortably full and satisfied while still trying to get the good health guidelines in.

Weight Watchers Simple Start App - tracking each meal  #SimpleStart

Over the past two weeks I’ve found three things that have helped me succeed on Simple Start:

  • Track Everything – Yes, I know that with Simple Start the whole point is NOT having to track everything but for me it’s helped a lot. Not only do I see a pattern in my eating but I also see when I’m hungry and when I’m just eating to eat. Mindless munchies come at night and I’ve simply been grabbing a bag of carrots instead of the cookies I want to be indulging on. By keeping track of this I can help ward off the munchies by keeping myself busy during those times.
  • Drink Water! – Of course this is a big one. On Weight Watchers it’s recommended to have at least 5 8 ounce glasses of water but while I’ve been sticking with 64 ounces a day I’ve found that I tend to be less hungry. Perhaps it was really thirst and not hunger before?
  • Walk Daily – Mental health is a huge part of weight loss for me. And in an effort to gain a little more me time I’ve taken up walking. For the past two weeks I’ve gone on 3+ mile walks each day. Not only is that time for me to regroup and relax but I’m also getting my activity in for the day!

In addition to these three tips I’ve found that becoming part of the Weight Watchers community again has helped me drastically. By lurking on the message boards and posting occasionally I feel as if I am a part of a community of support that will help me achieve my goals.

And by having a few friends and family members on Weight Watchers as well, I’ve found support at home too.

Weight Watchers Simple Start Breakfast  #SimpleStart

Egg White Hash with Veggies

Egg White Hash with Veggies

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/4 cup onions (diced)
  • 1 potato (cooked and diced)
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1/4 cup fat free cheese (shredded)
  • salt and pepper (to taste)
  1. Heat oil in a non-stick skillet. Add onions to the pan and saute for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Add diced potato to the pan and cook until onions are translucent, another 2-3 minutes.
  3. Top potatoes and onions with spinach and cook until wilted.
  4. Grab the egg whites and pour over everything. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook until egg whites are done.
  5. Plate hash and top with cheese. Serve and enjoy!


The goals I set for myself last week and the week before have been met and now that my two weeks on Simple Start have ended I’ve decided to start counting points again. But when I need that restart I know I can simply switch to the Simply Filling plan and take advantage of the Simple Start app.

On Weight Watchers and want to try Simple Start for two weeks yourself? Download the app today and get started!

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. I’m a huge Weight Watchers fan. Glad to learn that this new approach worked for you!

  2. this sounds like it does everything except fold the laundry for you!

  3. That dish looks absolutely scrumptious! I want to make it now for dinner for the kids and I.

  4. Weight Watchers has always worked for me when I followed the plan! It’s that maintenance part that always seems to escape me though…

  5. I love all the apps that are coming out right now. Weight Watchers is such a great program too.

  6. I truly never thought of your idea of using Simple Start when you need a break from the regular WW program! Great idea!

  7. Love the fact that we can always switch to Simple Start if we need a reboot. Drinking more water is definitely something to work on; I’ve been wondering too if some of my problem has been thirst and not really hunger. Great points.

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