DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This #KoolOff shop featuring a DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock tutorial has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock

We are in the midst of a heat wave and the only thing we can think about these days is summer. But since we’re still in spring we’re doing a bit of summer prep. While working on our garden the kids decided they wanted to plant watermelon this year so I headed to the store to pick up some watermelon seeds.

While we were shopping at Walmart I ended up in the fruit juice aisle – trying to kill two birds with one stone and getting everything off my list. I noticed the larger ready-to-drink Kool-Aid bottles and grabbed some Tropical Punch to help me cool off while I was gardening.

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock Koolaid in Juice aisle

Once I had all of my groceries I found myself in the craft aisle (totally normal for me) while the husband and kids wandered around the toy aisle to “just look” around.

Now the kids have been bugging me to make some windsocks for them like the ones they made at their school. So I decided to grab some materials and give it a try on my own. They used coffee filters for their tie dye windsocks but since I couldn’t find ones that’d work for what I wanted I went with large poster board for the base of mine.

Once I got all of my supplies I started to think of creative designs and knew that a fruit juice dyed watermelon windsock would fit perfectly with the watermelon seeds I was planting in the garden. You could really recreate any fruit or veggie you’re growing in the garden to tie it in with the windsock. Just get creative with the Kool-Aid colors you choose!

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock supplies

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock

What you need: 

What you do: 

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock find large tub

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock add kool aid drink mix

1. Cut poster board in half. Add ready-to-drink Kool-Aid into your large bin. Mix in Kool-Aid Cherry unsweetened drink mix packet into the ready-to-drink Kool-Aid and stir until dissolved. Add poster board (only one at a time) into Kool-Aid and let sit to allow the color to soak in.

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock dry paper

2. Hang up dyed poster board to dry completely. While poster board is drying, cut out seed shapes out of the black construction paper.

3. Once dried, add seeds to the poster board to make the seeds of the watermelon. Roll poster board into a cylinder and use tape or glue dots to close together.

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock add string

4. Add 4 holes evenly spaced on the top of the cylinder. Using two pieces of same length string or twine, tie one string to one hole and then the opposite hole. Then take the other string and cross it over. Tie it to the other two holes. This will give your windsock some structure so it won’t flop onto one side.

5. Cut out even lengths of green crepe paper, around 24 inches long. You’ll need 5-7 depending on the diameter of your windsock.

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock attach crepe paper

6. Attach crepe paper to the bottom of the windsock with tape or glue dots.

7. Hang up finished windsock in the yard and let the wind do it’s trick!

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock in garden

DIY Fruit Juice Dyed Watermelon Windsock enjoying KoolAid

 How are you getting ready for Summer?

Pinterest Inspiration

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. This is too cute! I love your last picture, you made it look like the perfect post-gardening treat!

  2. What a fun craft idea!!! Love it! Nice you can use Kool Aid for drinking and crafting! #client

  3. Jenna Wood says

    This is too cute, it makes me want to garden AND buy Kool-Aid, so much fun here! I bet your kids were so excited to see this when they woke up from nap time! #Client

  4. I want to make one of these with my daughter! Such a good idea and use for Kool-Aid. I would have never thought to dye poster board.

  5. Adorable!! I love watermelon decorations for summer too = ) We’re getting ready for summer by installing misters outside… so hot already. Friday we have a forecasted high of 108. kill me.

    • Ugh… it’s 91 here and was in the 100s about a week and a half ago. I just want my 75 degree San Diego weather for a little longer before summer hits!

  6. Angela S says

    That turned out oh so adorable and is such a creative use of Kool-Aid! Love it!

  7. What a cute idea! We have tie dyed t-shirts with Kool-Aid and loved it.

  8. Those windsocks are too cute. I like that you created a watermelon theme since thats what you were planting 🙂

  9. That’s seriously the cutest windsock I’ve seen. We are getting ready for summer by weeding out the flower beds and starting a mini garden full of tomatoes, but now after seeing your post I want to grow some watermelon again. Kool-aid always reminds me of summer.

  10. How neat, I would have never thought of something like this! Too cute!!

  11. That’s neat that you used Kool-aid for the craft!

    I’m getting ready by doing some yard work and shopping around for a new barbecue.


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