Creating a Healthy Lifestyle with Weight Watchers Simple Start

I was given a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan and write about my experience.Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own.

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle with Weight Watchers Simple Start #SimpleStart

It all starts with a plan. And attainable goals. What might seem like small little changes will eventually start to turn into a large lifestyle change. That’s what Weight Watchers Simple Start has provided for me.

Now I’ve been on Weight Watchers before. Before having my son, and then again after the birth of my son and my daughter. However keeping track of points, logging in, and staying on track proved to get away from me when I started showing signs of success, usually around the 25 pound loss mark.

So with a new year comes a new goal… to not hop off the wagon! To stay OP (on plan) and to try new things. That’s why I love that Weight Watchers has this new Simple Start app that can help me follow the simply filling plan easier for two weeks to reset my eating habits and get me on the right track. Without counting points.

Weight Watchers Simple Start app #SimpleStart

Weight Watchers Simple Start App

The hardest  part about Simple Start was waiting for the app to download. Everything else? Easy peasy! Weight Watchers keeps it simple and gives me everything I need to succeed on the Simply Filling plan with the Simple Start app.

Once I had the app downloaded I went straight to the “What to Eat” section and used it while I perused the aisles in the grocery store. I was able to quickly grab everything I needed for two weeks on the simply filling plan.

Apple Carrot Beet Juice #SimpleStart

 Now that the groceries are purchased, the cupboards and fridge stocked up, and I’m full of recipes for the next week, I feel successful on this new journey to a healthier me.

I have 3 goals for these next two weeks:

  1. Eat more veggies
  2. Drink at least 48oz of water a day
  3. Get moving!

By taking small steps forward, checking in with the Simple Start app, and holding myself accountable for my choices, these next two weeks will be a step in the right direction to a healthy lifestyle for me and my family.

How are you creating a healthier lifestyle in 2014?

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. I love how simple the app is to use, and it’s so nice having it to refer to when in the grocery store. One of my goals is to drink more water too; not sure why that is so hard, but it is for some reason. Can’t wait to see more of your updates.

  2. I also have the eating more veggies and drinking more water as my goals for this week too! So far…doing pretty awesome at it.

  3. I have cut back on the number of Diet Cokes I drink a day and have started drinking more water (which for me, was actually drinking any water). I’m also a running junkie and have started to some cross-training, which has been really hard for me but will admit, yoga has been a nice addition!

  4. Those are great goals!! I def need to eat more veggies. I love that Simple Start helps to really look at what you are eating.

  5. I am drinking the water (but always do)! I am walking 10000 steps a day. I have made it for 8 days now! Whoot! So proud of you and your goal. Reading your post reminded me about the shopping list which I so totally need to use. THANKS!

  6. I need to drink more water too! I don’t need to lose weight, but I definitely need better guidance on healthy eating so meal planning would really help me!

  7. I have always loved how down to earth WW can be and I’m looking forward to reading more about your experience with the app…and your amazing recipes!

  8. I so need to do this! I will be checking it out this week!

  9. I will have to look into downloading that app! My goals were to cut out soda and walk more. So far, I’ve had two sips of soda since the beginning of the year (PS: McD’s spicy chicken sandwich is seriously spicy and a coffee does not calm that fire!) and today I did my first walk – 2.4 miles! I’m not doing as “great” as I would like, but it’s a start in the right direction! 🙂

  10. I just got started with Simple Start too! My goals are to hit my 10,000 steps a day and drink plenty of water!

  11. Wow, the new Simple Start app looks so easy! I need to check this out.. I have a plan and an attainable goal but may need a little help reaching it. Thanks and good luck on your weight loss, Danielle! 🙂

  12. When I lost 21 pounds after baby #2, it was from weight watchers. Now I just maintain it on my own and workout.

  13. HEY, I made the very same 3 goals, go get ’em!!! Love the app!

  14. I have a very similar goal on the water front! I’m trying to get 64oz in. I’m so terrible at remembering to chug water instead of soda…

  15. I’m starting simple, no soda or fast food. I hope I can stick to it this year. Best of luck to you with Weight Watchers. Love that there is an app!

  16. Great goals. I need to start drinking more water.

  17. I need to get that app. I indulged way too much over the holidays.

  18. Those are good goals! Good luck!


  1. […] of classes at the gym (more than my normal 2 or 3), and eat by the book. But this first week on Simple Start I’ve tried something a bit […]

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