What They Don’t Tell You After Birth: Light Bladder Leakage

This post featuring light bladder leakage tips is sponsored by Poise. 

When I had my son there were so many different things friends and family tried to tell me. Their  tips, advice, and suggestions. But in all of those tips, advice, and suggestions they never told me about the things that happen… down there… after the baby is here.

 I don’t mean right after giving birth (although that could be a whole other post), I mean a few months later when you aren’t pregnant anymore and are heading out for your first run post-baby and all of a sudden you’re a mile away from home and have a little dribble of pee running down your legs.

No, seriously. This happens people! And it’s not fun!

new running shoes

I thought that after having my kids I wouldn’t have to worry about bladder issues. But I was far from right. Even without a fetus pushing down on my bladder I realized I had a huge problem. I couldn’t keep everything in.

And you know what? I’m not alone! One in three women experience Light Bladder Leakage (LBL), which can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise.

iWorkout Nutrisystem

It’s too bad I didn’t know SAM back then. Because if I knew SAM I wouldn’t have to worry every time I went to the gym and my trainer told us to do jumping jacks. Or when I was out on a jog and all of a sudden I felt something that shouldn’t be there.

SAM would help me  exercise with confidence, and would save me the giggles and jokes about puddles beneath me during sessions at the gym. SAM would let me  laugh uncontrollably, and protect me from worry!


Who is SAM you say? Well SAM is the new Poise® Microliner featuring SAM (Super Absorbent Material), my  favorite light bladder leakage tool that has changed my life for the better. These shockingly thin and surprisingly absorbent liners to provide discreet Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) protection that helps keep you dry and comfortable all day long so you can manage life’s little leaks with confidence.

Poise Microliners are the thinnest liners in the light incontinence category and are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners.

Meet SAM for yourself by visiting the Poise® website to try the new Poise® Microliner for yourself. Did I mention you can get a free sample? Yeah! Just click here —> http://ooh.li/fb9ed1b

Pinterest Inspiration


  1. Sounds like a really great product.

  2. Oh, SAM is a good friend of mine! It is definitely a must have since having kids and should be a side note every new mom gets during birthing orientation! LOL

  3. I think I could definitely use SAM. It happens, hate talking about it, but it happens. Glad to know there is something out there to protect us.

  4. Oh girl. SAM and I go way back. I tell so many of my friends about SAM!

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