Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt Recipe

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt

I absolutely adore strawberry season. Being able to go to the farmer’s market each week and pick up a huge amount of fresh, ripe strawberries just puts a smile on my face.

But there are only so many yummy bowls of strawberries and yogurt one can eat without wanting to do more. So when I brought back my latest batch along with some fresh, homemade greek yogurt I had the genius idea of putting the two together and baking!

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt square 1

Strawberry muffins with greek yogurt were created. And they were delicious.

Good thing too because I tested the recipe out on my girlfriends for our monthly book club. They’re such troopers. They’ll try anything I make and honestly give feedback. Luckily these muffins passed the test.

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt ingredients

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt

What you’ll need:

  • 2 1/2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup plain low fat greek yogurt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups strawberries, diced
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • granola, for topping

What you do:

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a muffin tin and set aside.

2. Using a food processor or mixer, blend together oats, sugar, baking soda and baking powder.

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt blending oats

3. Mix the yogurt, eggs, lemon, and 1 1/2 cups of strawberries into the oats until just combined.

Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt batter

4. Scoop batter into muffin tin about 3/4 of the way full. Top evenly with the leftover strawberries and sprinkle with a bit of granola.

5. Bake for 20-22 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Let sit in pan for 5 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on rack.


Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt and coffee

What do you love to make with strawberries?

Pinterest Inspiration


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  3. I just put these in the oven. I cut the sugar in half and had to substitute the baking soda bc I didn’t have any. I also used an antioxidant vanilla granola for the topping. Fingers crossed!!!

  4. These looked so good, I had to try them. Then I discovered I didn’t have any eggs or yogurt. So I quickly adapted, substituting sourdough starter and making a pan bread. Turned out so good! I still intend to make the muffins, but they’ll have to wait another baking day.

    For today, I shared this as Recipe of the Day on a Facebook page I manage called Cooking with Whole Grains & Real Whole Foods. Thank you for a delightful recipe!

  5. What do you do with the lemon? I just squeezed it in the batter at te end cuz I realized it hadn’t been used. It made the batter pretty liquidy. I added a tiny but more oats to make less liquidy. I baked them like it said and the toothpick came out 90% clean so I bake a few more minutes and then took then out cuz I didn’t want them to burn.

    • Oh gosh! Yes, squeeze it in when you put the eggs, yogurt and the strawberries in with the oats. Sorry about that 🙂 How did you like them? As you can tell, mine were very browned but not burnt because it took a bit to get fully baked inside.

      I might try lowering the temperature and increasing the cooking time the next time I make these because I, too, had to bake them a little longer the last time I made them.

  6. I was SO excited to try these because I just picked some fresh strawberries yesterday. I followed the recipe and even bought new soda and powder. I added a pinch of kosher salt and about a tsp of pure almond extract because it seemed to me the flavor may be blah otherwise. Unfortunately, these were an epic fail. I had to bake them a bit longer but they still were mushy even when the toothpick came out clean. They fell in the middle and when cut in half all the berries had sunk down and the color was nothing like the picture. My husband- -who is not a picky eater– said they didn’t taste like anything.

    Great in theory, not in practice, sorry! 🙁

    • Do you happen to know how much you filled the muffin liners with? I try and stick with 2/3rds full so as not to have too much in the well. I’m so sorry they didn’t work out for you 🙁

  7. I have to try this. I think my kids would eat anything that looks like a cupcake, and this one is so healthy! Much healthier than the strawberry shortcake I make, haha.

  8. These look heavenly! I will for sure be trying these this week for my kiddos! 🙂

  9. These look delicious!!! Someday I’m going to come visit you and you’re going to make these for me! I demand it!

  10. They look sooooo good. Nice and moist too 🙂 Guaranteed my don’t turn out as well as yours though

  11. These look delicious!!! I love anything with strawberries!

  12. These look delish! I’m totally making them soon!

  13. These look so yummy! I love strawberry season too,

  14. I usually just enjoy strawberries by themselves, or dipped in a delicious cream cheese dip. Your muffins look absolutely delish.

  15. Looks easy, nutritious and delicious. What more can you want rom a recipe! Love to try this.

  16. Looks yummy! We love making strawberry cakes and smoothies. Yum!

  17. Can I do breakfast again? These look so yummy!

  18. I am not a big fan of strawberries, but I’d love to make this using raspberries! They look delicious! Definitely adding to my “to try” list! Thanks for sharing! I love new recipes!

  19. I have never made or eaten strawberry muffins but those look and sound so good. Can one use frozen strawberries ?

  20. Yum those look amazing. Probably my favorite strawberry recipe is strawberry jam.


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  5. […] Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt – Simmworks Family Blog […]

  6. […] Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt by Simmworks Family Blog […]

  7. […] Strawberry Muffins: A sweet treat for a family that is on the go. This breakfast idea is a great way to include fruits, dairy, and oats into your family’s daily regimen. […]

  8. […] Strawberry Muffins with Greek Yogurt from Simm Works Family Blog […]

  9. […] making something green in color to nibble on but ultimately I chose to make some delicious strawberry muffins with fresh strawberries and homemade greek yogurt I picked up from the farmer’s market last […]

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