Boon Animal Bag – Making Toy Organization Fun!

When I first started thinking of what I wanted in the kids bedroom, the one thing that kept coming to mind was toy storage. I mean, we have a playroom that can contain many of the toys we have, but we had nothing to contain all of the stuffed animals my son and daughter have collected.

The only thing I could think of getting was the stuffed animal hammock I had when I was growing up. And when looking at the layout of my kids room I just couldn’t do it. Not only would the hammoc either block a window, closet door, or doorway, it just wouldn’t be easy for the kids to access their animals without getting myself or their father to get what they wanted.

We prefer a more self sufficient child.

So when I was perusing Amazon for a solution I was pleasantly surprised to find an amazing product that not only stored my kids stuffed animals, it also served as a chair or cushion for the kids after it was stuffed.

Multipurpose storage? Yes please!

Animal Bag3

The Boon Animal Bag not only stores stuffed animals, it stores a LOT of stuffed animals.

Here’s a look at about 1/2 of the stuffed animals in our home:

Boon Animal Bag Shell

And here’s a look at 1/2 of those in the boon. See how there’s still room in there? Yeah, all of those stuffed animals fit in that little Animal Bag. SO awesome!

Boon Animal Bag

The Boon Animal Bag easily zips open and shut to allow your child easy access to any of their favorite stuffed creatures. And the cover is a breathable mesh! So the stuffed animals wont suffocate! No having to explain anything to little Billy or Suzy.

Boon Animal Bag Details

And as I said before, after the Animal Bag is stuffed, your child can use it to sit on and enjoy a book or two. Or you can use it to prop other larger stuffed animals.

We love to use our Animal Bag for story time before naps and bedtime. Our kids curl up on it and get all comfy before we dive into the book we’re reading. And they love leaping from their beds onto the bag. All that cushion makes mama a little less anxious (but still keeping a watchful eye!).

The Boon Animal Bag is a soft, easy-to-use storage solution for those toys that get scattered all across your house. And with the simple zippered pouch, the kids can get involved in clean up to help pick their own toys up and store them away.

Interested in purchasing a Boon Animal Bag for your home?

You can head on over to the Boon website or check out

And don’t forget to head on over to visit Boon on Facebook or follow them on Twitter! There’s always something new in the works and you wouldn’t want to miss out on hearing about an awesome product. I know we have quite a few Boon items in our home and we absolutely love them!

Want to WIN a Boon Animal Bag? 

The Noise Girls have yet again put together an amazing giveaway event just for your family! And Boon has joined in on the fun to offer one lucky reader a Boon Animal Bag of your very own in this giveaway.

The For the Family giveaway event starts on September 1st so please remember to hurry back and enter for your chance to win. You won’t want to miss what we have to offer!

Disclaimer: I received a Boon Animal Bag for review purposes only. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. All opinions are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

Babywearing with Ease: Boba Baby Carrier 3G {Review}

Boba Review 3

Love. I’m in love. No, seriously… I am. With this baby carrier. It’s amazing. And cute, versatile and comfortable. Now I’ve shared my love of baby carriers and babywearing before. I own quite a few and have shopped around for the perfect one for each stage in my children’s lives.

I love carrying my babies close and thought that my Ergo was the end all and be all of baby carriers. Until I met Tweet, my new Boba baby carrier.

Boba Review 2

Why am I so smitten you ask? It’s the little things. The way the bottom strap contours up and around my waist instead of going straight around. The fact that I can put the hood into it’s little pouch instead of having it hang down in the front.

Or the fact that the gorgeous pattern can be seen when the hood is in use and when it’s put away. Oh, and one of my favorite things… the pockets on the bottom of the carrier. So convinient for my keys and cell phone when we’re out and about.

There are so many great features on this carrier. I think that the folks at Boba thought long and hard about what they wanted to include in this perfect carrier and they hit the nail on the head. I have been amazed at the response I’ve had from other mamas who I’ve shared my Boba with. Most are eager to try it on and test it out and I think I’ve created a few converts in the two short weeks I’ve had it. Here are a few other reasons to love the Boba Carrier 3G:

Boba Review 1

How to Use It

The Boba baby carrier is an all-in-one system that doesn’t need to be tied, twisted or folded. To hold your infant in a front carry you simply adjust the straps to allow a snug fit, snap the waist strap along your waist, hold your baby against your chest, bring the carrier up over the child’s back, put your arms in and buckle the top buckle.

You can then adjust the straps and tightness to your comfort level making sure baby is snug and secure. And if you are using the back carry there are these nifty foot straps that allow baby to rest his legs by putting his feet in the straps instead of having them hang down.

And if you have a newborn (7-15lbs), you can use the Newborn Hold. No insert or special instructions needed! That means you can wear your baby with the Boba Carrier 3G from birth (7lbs) to toddlerhood easily! How awesome is that?

Do you babywear?

Disclaimer: I received a Boba Baby Carrier 3G for review purposes only. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Best Start Birth Center San Diego {Review}

When I learned that I was pregnant for the second time I knew I wanted to pursue other options when it came to where I gave birth. The experience I had with my son was not my ideal situation and I wanted to make sure that I did everything possible to make sure I would receive the birth I dreamed about. Yes, I know that sounds crazy but I just knew I could give birth naturally with no intervention and wanted those around me at that time to believe so too.

I went in search of a birthing center that not only allowed for a natural birth but was also covered by my insurance. And that’s when I learned about Best Start Birth Center San Diego Best Start is the only state-licensed, nationally accredited, free-standing birth center in Southern California. That means they are not part of a hospital or HMO. They are a private practice owned and operated by midwives. They have physicians associated with the practice whom we consult with and refer clients to as needed, but they are not here for deliveries — it is the midwives who do the deliveries. Best Start is also the only state-licensed, nationally accredited facility in San Diego offering Water-birth.

Best Start Birth Center

When I went in for my first appointment I was immediately set at ease. I received a tour of the facilities, met a few of the midwives there that day and got to know the reception staff and nurses. I would come to find out that they are a tight knit group who work very well with each other. Every time I called in or had a question or concern at an appointment I was quickly helped and given great information and answers. I never felt like my concerns weren’t important nor did I think that anyone was hurrying me up or brushing me off. I was important and they cared as much about my pregnancy as I did. My best interest was their concern.

Each time I went in for a prenatal appointment I would see a different midwife. They do this so that you get to know each midwife at the practice. The midwives rotate who is on call so when you go into labor you don’t know who’s on call until you call in. As luck would have it the only midwife I didn’t get to meet due to schedule conflicts (I always had to make my appointments for certain dates and some midwives were off on those dates) was the midwife who would deliver my daughter.

But that wouldn’t matter. From the first few moments I met Brita on the day I came in to deliver my daughter I knew things were going to be ok. Throughout the birth both Brita and her birth assistant were reassuring, calm and empowering. I wasn’t sure if I could get through my natural birth without my trusty doula and best friend by my side (like at my son’s birth) but with these two women I knew I could. Every step of the way they were there to guide me. They offered me different suggestions and positions and never once said I had to do anything. They let me decide what I felt most comfortable with and when I needed direction the most they helped me out.

Being placed in mommy's arms 5

As soon as my daughter came into the world I knew I had made the right decision in going with Best Start Birth Center. She was immediately placed in my arms and was allowed to stay with me for a bit. Then she was taken to be measured and weighed while I delivered the placenta. I then tried to get her to latch on before handing her over to Daddy while they sutured me up (yup… I tore!). The whole time we were there after giving birth she was in the room with us either in my arms or in Daddy’s arms. My son came to visit two hours later with my mother-in-law with lunch in tow and four hours after that we were headed home.

Coming home from the birthing center

Two days after I gave birth a nurse came to my home to check on me and the baby. She offered help with breastfeeding and gave me great suggestions for different foods to eat, teas to drink and how to overall care for myself while caring for a new baby. At my 6 week check up I was greeted by congratulations and smiles while everyone oohed and aahed at my new daughter. I felt as if I had come full circle from the first time I visited the birthing center seeing the new mom next to me waiting for her 6 week appointment. If I decide to get pregnant again I will more than likely be turning to Best Start to deliver my third child.

To read my full birth story go here. And if you are considering a birthing center for the birth of your child and have more questions please feel free to contact me at any time!

Firefly Wellness Review and Giveaway {Massage Therapist and Esthetician in San Diego}

Every mom needs to find a moment or two to herself. Over the years have come to realize how important it really is to take time for myself and indulge in some pampering every once in a while. And in the crazy hectic world I live in, taking an hour or two every few weeks just for me helps keep me sane. I am a better mother, wife, friend because of it.

So when I first heard of Karen of Firefly Wellness through Joann’s Sign4Baby facebook page I knew I had to check her services out. Karen not only provides massage therapy but is a licensed esthetician as well.  She has been working as a massage therapist and esthetician in San Diego for 11 years. And her office is conveniently located in North Park, right up the freeway from us!

Background about Firefly Wellness
She started out in the corporate world as a computer programmer. She would hold training seminars and programed for a large software company. After a while she began to realize that she didn’t love what she was doing and decided to “jump ship”. She went to school to become a licensed massage therapist and esthetician and started working in a spa. After a few years the spa closed shop and Karen made the jump from working in a spa to working in her own private office.

She continued to work at other locations offering chair massages at events and going to clients homes for in-home services. But when she gave birth to her son 4 1/2 years ago she decided to move her business all to her private office and now provides services in a beautiful and tranquil cottage in North Park. When you walk into her courtyard you first find a cozy seating area usually occupied by a friendly and cuddly black cat. Then you are taken into the room and are immediately put at ease by the calm and tranquil energies that surround the area.

Why You’ll Love Firefly
Karen takes her time in talking with you about your main concerns, what you want to focus on and what she can do to help you out. If you are receiving a facial or microdermabrasion treatment she will ask about your skin and what your goals are. She can customize the treatment she uses to your needs. And her massage therapy techniques aren’t any different, every massage is customized to the need of the client. Karen’s life experiences and education have helped her become an amazing massage therapist and esthetician.

I’ve experienced both her prenatal massage and mini facial. Both were amazing experiences. With my first pregnancy a good friend told me how important massage was for my pregnant body. So I made sure to indulge twice during my second trimester and once during my third. When I became pregnant with Molly I knew I wanted to do the same (if not more often). So I decided to try Firefly. And I was so glad that I did. I left her office relaxed and refreshed. My sore back and aching shoulders felt much better and it wasn’t as difficult to pick up my son. Caring for a toddler really takes a toll on a pregnant woman’s body!

And the mini facial I received was the perfect end to my week. I went with a more relaxing facial then an extraction-based facial and when I left I definitely felt relaxed. I almost wish I upgraded to a full hour facial like Laura did. I was cleansed, massaged and masked. My skin and lips were glowing afterwards. And not only does my skin feel amazing, I was given great suggestions for products to use on my face to continue the glow. And I’ve already booked a pumpkin peel with Firefly Wellness for later on this month.

Services Offered

Each facial is customized for the client depending on their skin type and current skin condition. Facials may include any combination of the following: cleansing, exfoliating,extractions, massage, mask and hand/arm massage. Facials can also be combined with microdermabrasion

Firefly Signature Facial – $80.00
Mini Facial – $50.00
  – De-stress and Relaxation – $50.00
  – Deep clean/extractions – $50.00
Back Facial – $80.00

Microdermabrasion improves skin texture while diminishing fine lines, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone and the appearance of scarring, resulting in smoother, lighter, and brighter skin. There is minimal discomfort and no recovery time is required.

Microdermabrasion – $80.00
Body Microdermabrasion $65.00/area
  – back, chest, arms, hands

Facial & Microdermabrasion – $140.00

Each massage is customized for the client based on their current needs.
– Deep Tissue Massage
– Circulatory Massage
– Pregnancy Massage
– Neuromuscular Therapy

30 Minute Session – $50.00
60 Minute Session – $80.00
90 Minute Session – $110.00

Firefly Wellness also offers skin rejuvination treatments as well as waxing. Basically Firefly Wellness is a one stop shop for all of your pampering needs! And packages are offered with discounted pricing. There are two different payment options for packages; either pay as you go or pay up front for a $10 discount. Gift certificates are also available for purchase.

Special Offer
Firefly Wellness is currently offering a BOGO 1/2 off special on a Pumpkin Peel. Come in before October 15 for a Pumpkin Peel and schedule another one before the end of the year to get the BOGO deal.

The regular price for a Pumpkin Peel is $80, so with this deal you can get two for $120. (Must be paid in full at first appointment.) There is a limited number of openings for this deal, so call now to reserve your time!

There are also options to add the Pumpkin Peel on to a full facial, and it can be a great compliment to microdermabrasion as well.

To reserve your time and schedule your Pumpkin Peels, call 619.249.4323, or email

Win a Treatment! 

Firefly Wellness has been kind enough to offer one lucky reader a 30 minute massage, facial or microdermabrasion treatment – winner’s choice! Want to know how to win? It’s simple. Just follow the instructions below and enter your responses in the Rafflecopter prompts.

(can’t see the form to fill out above? just leave a comment with your name & email and you’ll be entered)

San Diego Pet Supply {Store Review}

After adopting our pup, Scout, we started researching dog foods, dog friendly places and much more. On our quest to find the perfect treats, supplies and food for Scout we stumbled upon a pet supply store that was very close to home. Like up the street and around the corner from us. So we stopped by. And what we were greeted with kept us coming back for close to 6 years now.

San Diego Pet Supply carries everything from dog food to animal carriers to vaccinations. I’ve never had a problem finding what I need for my pets there. And they keep my kids entertained too. There’s always birds, reptiles or other small animals to keep them occupied while one of kind employees picks up a large bag of Canadae for me from their shelves. I used to grab the bag myself but as soon as they saw me they’d rush over and grab the bag for me. So I let them grab it now.

Most of the time all I have to do is come to the counter, ask for what I need and they grab it and load it in the car automatically. And with my hands full with children their customer service makes my life a heck of a lot earlier! I’ve never had that type of treatment at a big box pet supply retailer.

And the last time I visited took the cake! I was in desperate need of food (only one scoop left) and was coming home from a playdate. By the time I got to San Diego Pet Supply both kids were asleep in the back of the car. I couldn’t imagine leaving them in the car alone while I ran in even though the storefront faces the car and the roll up door would leave a great view of them. So I did the only thing I could think of. I called and explained the situation and asked if they could help.

They were more than willing to take care of me! As soon as I hung up the phone I could see a cart being wheeled out the door with the dog food ready to go. I handed over my card, loaded the food in the trunk and then returned to sign my credit card slip. I didn’t have to leave my car or my kids and I had the dog food I needed! Now that is excellent customer service. And not only did they help me out, they let me know that they do free delivery for purchases over $40 within a 10 mile radius. And our house is within that radius! Now there’s no way I can forget the food… it’s delivered right to my door automaticall!

So if you live in San Diego and are looking for an amazing pet supply store you have to check out San Diego Pet Supply! And for 5% off your next purchase check out their coupon.  

A little information from their website:
San Diego Pet Supply is 6,900 square feet packed with anything and everything a pet will possibly need, and all that your special friend could want. Operating as a supplier of feed and scratch since the 1875, they still offer a huge assortment of bulk and packaged foods.

From common brands to all natural and whole foods blends, they are the source for satisfying your animals’ endless appetites. In addition to carrying everything relating to pets, they specialize in stocking hard to find items, such as shampoos you would normally only be able to purchase through a veterinary prescription.

Sign4Baby Turns 4 {KidVentures Review}

Molly loved watching Signing Storytime

This past Friday I headed over to Kid Ventures to celebrate with Sign4Baby as they turned 4. We were a bit late to the party due to a busy morning and a napping M but when we arrived we quickly found that we hadn’t missed a thing! We met up with our new friend Elodie and her mom, Kari. We met them during our first 6 weeks of sign language class and the girls are almost the same age (Elodie is a month younger).

I had never been to Kid Ventures before but have gone to similar type places around town. The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the layout of the location. There was an eating area in the center of the room and a KV snack area to the left. To the right there were two strutures that can’t be missed. A huge castle and pirate ship! Kids were laughing and smiling all around me as they ran in the castle and slid down the slide attached.

The cafe and layout of the rooms

We found a seat right away because signing story time was starting.

The theme for this month’s signing story time is Sea Life so Joann cleverly went with a Celebrate The Sea theme. We listened to a Hullabaloo song about the sea and then Joann read an adorable book by Karen Katz called Where’s Baby’s Beach Ball? Since we read Where’s Baby’s Belly Button? to M already she was very interested in the story.

Throughout signing story time Joann signed along with the book and the music. The children were very interested in watching her through the whole thing and would get excited when they heard or saw something they recognized. M stayed pretty interested in the signing but after a little it she wanted to explore. She loved all of the friendly faces around her and felt right at home with the fun energy that came with a room full of excited children.

Sign4Baby’s Signing Storytime

As we explored we found out that there is a police department, grocery store, fire department, disco room, nursery, restaurant, library and art store in addition to the cool castle and pirate ship.Wow! And each room is completed with outfits, toys and activities for the kids to partake in. I know how much my two year old is into pretend right now and these different rooms would just make his day.

After a very fun storytime and scavenger hunt a raffle was held for those who chose to purchase raffle tickets. All of the proceeds for the raffle went to the San Diego Center for Children. There were many prizes being raffled off. Some of them included the following:

M’s friend, Elodie, was lucky enough to win one of the 3M Shoot n Share camcorder projectors plus lots of other great prizes. And I was lucky enough to win a 30 minute facial with Karen of Firefly Wellness. This mama needs some relaxation! I’m sure you’ll be seeing a review of my experience at Firefly Wellness in the near future.

Pickle and the KV Pirate

The great part about Kid Ventures is that even though it was a packed house I never felt crowded. Their layout gives kids the room to play together or independently without having to play on top of one another. I know that my son will love this place the next time we go! And I’m definitely considering using Kid Ventures as a venue for his next birthday party. With all of the fun we had at Joann’s party I know that our friends and family would have an equally great time at this place.

The only drawback I found was that there wasn’t a labeling or numbering system where you child and you have identification to prove that you belong to one another. I don’t make it a habit to take my eyes off my kids but if there was a distraction I wouldn’t want my kid to walk out with another family. Because I know my son would do this 🙂 

Here’s some more information on Kid Ventures

  • Kid Ventures is a socks only facility (this includes babies)
  • They have two San Diego locations — Pacific Beach & Eastlake
  • They have drop-in times, camps and classes where parents and children can participate together
  • The Parents’ Cafe has a selection of drinks, salads and sandwiches available for purchase, and the seating area is within a few “footfalls” from where their children are playing
  • Adults must stay with their children, as they are not a child care or child services facility
  • And the best part… Sign4Baby will be offering their sign language classes at this location soon!

 If you are looking for a fun, kid-safe place to go with your kids I highly recommend checking out Kid Ventures at either their Eastlake or Pacific Beach location. And remember to bring socks!

Molly and her buddie, Elodie

*** Disclaimer: In exchange for this blog post I was offered free admission to the event (but didn’t have to use it since non-walking babies are free) and 6 raffle tickets to enter the drawing. This in no way altered my opinion of Sign4Baby or Kid Ventures ***

Kid Ventures Blogger Contest Badge, I participated

Sign4Baby Sign & Play Class {Review}

My Background in Signing


My first signing experience was in the 3rd grade (my FAVORITE year of school out of the lot of them). My teacher had (has… I’m sure) a deaf sister who taught at a school for the hearing impaired and wanted to set us up with pen pals for the year. She assured us that if we kept at it and learned a few signs we might just get the chance to meet our pen pals in person at the end of the school year.

So as the months passed we learned the alphabet, learned how to say “my name is” and learned a few more signs including the Pledge of Allegiance and America the Beautiful. And as promised we were able to meet our deaf pen pals at an ice cream social at the end of the year. It was pretty fun being able to actually practice our signs and it was pretty funny when we got quizzical looks and our pen pals grabbed our hands to show us the correct way to sign. Out of all that was learned that year the only thing I remember is the alphabet and how to say “My name is”.

My First Experience with E
But because learning sign language had such an impact in me at a young age and sparked such an interest I knew I wanted to use this form of communication with my children. So even before my son was born I started trying to learn simple signs. My sister in law passed on some baby sign language books that I read from cover to cover, practicing every once in a while and I received a Baby Einstein sign language DVD for my shower from my husband’s cousin.

One of E’s favorites when he was younger – Music

But by the time E came I was so exhausted from just figuring out the whole how to be a mother thing that I didn’t start regularly signing with him until he was about 6 months old. Sure I signed nurse/milk and diaper change every once in a while before that but never with any real excitement for him to learn. As he got closer to the one year mark I knew I needed a better way of communicating with him so we started signing more frequently.


And we started to go to Sign4Baby’s Signing Story Time at the local libraries. E would get excited to play with the other kids in class and loved listening to the stories and dancing to the songs. At the end of each story time was a special treat. He got to play with the bubbles Joann blew to the kids! That just made everything even better. Going to the story time events helped me expand my signing vocabulary and in turn I was able to teach E more and more signs. And between 15-18 months his signing vocabulary (and speaking vocabulary) exploded. He would sign when he didn’t know a word to let me know what he wanted. And sometimes he’d sign along with whatever he was saying to give greater emphasis on the word. Communication was getting easier!

I joined Sign4Baby’s playgroup on so I could keep up with all of the fun signing events. I started seeing a monthly zoo trip included on the calendar so we started to go with the group to the zoo to learn more signs as well. Since E is very interested in animals I knew this would go over well. And it did! He loved learning more animal signs just as much as I loved teaching him. 

My Experience with M and Sign4Baby Review


When M came into our lives I knew I wanted to sign with her as well. But I wasn’t quite sure when to start. A few months ago I saw a special being run by Sign4Baby. If we signed up for classes by May we could get 12 classes for the price of 6! Now that’s an awesome deal! I talked about the deal with my mother in law (she was already a fan of Sign4Baby’s facebook page and had seen it also) and she surprised me by purchasing the classes as a gift to M.

So at the end of May, just shy of turning 6 months, we started our Sign4Baby sign classes at Java Mama. In the first six week session we learned about:

  • animals
  • family
  • colors
  • feelings
  • play time
  • weather

And two weeks into the second six week session we’ve already learned about first signs and food. And a representative from Happy Baby even came in to help teach us about healthy eating for baby and toddler. We’re going to be learning about bath and body, diapering, getting dressed and meal time in the coming weeks!

The class is not only fun and educational but holds M’s interest the whole time! Between reading stories, talking about the signs and how to incorporate them into our everyday lives, and singing fun songs (sometimes getting up and dancing too!) it’s hard NOT to learn what Joann is teaching. And I’m pleased to announce that M has signed her first sign! She’s starting to sign dog regularly. She has been showing an interest in the milk sign as well if she wants to nurse. She giggles, laughs and starts pulling at me when I ask her and do the sign. So I know she’s catching on!

I definitely know I couldn’t have taught my children all they know about sign language without Joann’s help. I have come to find that the structure of the classes is a must for anyone who wants to teach their children signs. I know from experience how hard it was to teach E signs with just signing story time and meetups alone. And with the aid of songs, books and other educational tools, Joann provides all of the resources a caregiver would need to aid in the development of their child’s vocabulary and communication skills.


By adding the classes with Joann to our arsenal of sign language tools I know that M’s sign vocabulary will not only improve but will more than likely start developing sooner than her brother if not only for the fact that she’s seen other mamas and babies sign every week since she was 6 months old. Plus after these 12 weeks of classes I can continue to learn from Joann since I won 6 MORE weeks of classes through the Baby Bump and Beyond’s blog! I’m hoping to wait a bit before jumping right back in since our schedule has been very full this summer but can’t wait to start again.

I recommend Joann’s Sign4Baby classes to anyone who wants to take the next step in teaching their child sign language. She is just a wonderful educator who not only gives you the signs but teaches you the skills to best present the signs to your child so that they watch and learn from you. And I cannot wait to see what M’s going to sign next! Below are a few photos from our last Sign & Learn session of the first 6 weeks. All families and children photographed agreed to have their photo posted on my blog 🙂

Snacks are always welcomed
Exploring is mandatory
Plenty of toys to aid the children in learning
Building blocks … a must-have sign in this house

Colored scarves help aid in teaching the colors of the rainbow
Parents are encouraged to sign along

M LOVED watching Joann sign and sing

Comic Con 2011 – Fun Times Wearing A Baby and Carrying a Toddler

We had another wonderful year at Comic Con International. We went in with a plan and got to see everything we wanted to see. Now that’s success! We started off the morning by finding a great parking garage just a block from the convention center (only $12 for the day vs. the $20 a day signs everywhere else). Then we headed out to wait in line to get our Sunday passes.

We were greatly surprised by the number of people already waiting in line and weren’t expecting how long it was already. We passed my cousin and her family on the way to the end of the line but wanted to be courteous of the other people who got there earlier than us and we didn’t ask to sit in line with them. But when we got to the end of the line we almost went back to ask. Though the view from the end of the line wasn’t that bad 🙂 That’s San Diego for you!

Once we got our badges it was off to Hall H to wait in line for the Glee panel. My friend, Amanda, was already in line so we were able to sit with her in hopes of getting in to see the panel. Once the line started moving and we saw how many people there really were we were almost certain we wouldn’t get it. Especially when it got down to us being two queues from being let in to the hall and there being a break in the time it was taking for the line attendants to come get another queue.

But we were super lucky I guess. We got in! It was standing room only by the time we were let in but that was fine with us. E hung out with Daddy and enjoyed seeing all of the people while M slept for the first half. We got to listen to the panelists answer questions about the upcoming season and the changes they have in store for the cast of Glee (Curt’s boyfriend is sticking around!). Pretty exciting stuff!

After the Glee panel we headed off to the main exhibit floor to see what was going on at the different booths. We got stuck at one booth in particular. Lego may or may not have just dumped a whole ton of yellow bricks in the middle of the floor for the kids to play with. And that’s all E wanted to do the whole time we were there. So since we’re super cool parents and were basically there for him anyway (J went alone on Saturday) we sat down on the floor and built together. It was quite fun!

After we were done with exploring we decided to go out of the convention center in search for lunch. E was already asking for food so in order to avoid any meltdowns we stopped at the nearest place we found. . As soon as we crossed the street we saw two food trucks and made a b line for them. Luckily there were choices for all of our different tastes at both.

E had a yummy hot dog from Ms. Patty Melt. Sadly they were all out of ketchup but luckily E doesn’t eat any on his. They only take cash so J and I headed over to Super Q. OMG! Seriously the best BBQ pork sandwich I’ve had in a long time! I had the Super Q Pork Melt. It came with bbq pork, mac-n-cheese, sauteed onions and lots and lots of cheese on sourdough. I can still taste it and am already craving more! The sandwich was huge. Definitely more than enough for two. And it also came with a side of potato salad that was equally delicious (but you could get cole slaw or chips instead). Joseph decided on a duo of sliders. He got the beef and pork and seemed to enjoy them. He didn’t leave a crumb when he was done.

Once we got our food we headed across the street to a park to eat. E loved the location because he got to chase pigeons and stare at the water. We may have had to take him away from the water a few times because he looked like he was going to jump in! Once we were done we bribed E with the promise of going for ice cream at Ghiradelli’s if he left with us. And although the allure of running away and finding a new family was strong he decided to stick with us.

The walk to Ghiradelli’s was comical to say the least. Being the pushover, er, great Dad that J is, E got a vanilla cream soda with his hot dog. The soda was in a brown bottle that definitely didn’t look like a soda bottle. So every block or two there’d be a comment from a passerby (or someone sitting at the outside patio of a bar) that we were starting him young. What can I say! When he’s walking down the street trying to drink he doesn’t quite walk in a straight line. He even stopped every once in a while to sit on the side of the sidewalk whenever a ledge made itself available.

Once we got to Ghiradelli’s he was more interested in the cherry on top than the ice cream itself. That may have had something to do with the fact that he ate both mine and J’s sample Ghiradelli square before we got our ice cream. M enjoyed her fair share of whipped cream but didn’t quite care for the ice cream. I’m not sure if she really is my daughter… 😉 So after only eating 1/2 of our sundae (we split it) we packed it up and headed back to the car. Of course as soon as we left the table to go outside E announced that he would have preferred a cone. Oh well! We tried.

As soon as we got into the car and out of the parking garage he was fast asleep in the back seat (M had fallen asleep on the walk over to the car). He slept for a good 3 hours! There’s nothing like walking all around Downtown San Diego to get your toddler thoroughly exhausted.

Next year we plan on coming on Friday and Sunday but only going to Comic Con on Sunday. That way Friday we can just walk around Downtown San Diego looking for fun free stuff to do. Hopefully Suzette will post another 10 Things to Do Outside Comic-Con for next year so we can be sure and check out all of the cool things to do! We passed Ciro’s Pizza and were tempted to come check out the Cartoon Network takeover but just didn’t have the time (or energy) to do so. We’re looking forward do doing it all over again next year! Well.. if we don’t have any problems getting tickets 🙂

Daddy’s Birthday – A Night of Entertainment {Restaurant Review}

It was Joseph’s birthday yesterday and we wanted to celebrate! Joseph decided he wanted to try out Benihana for dinner. I knew from a friend that if you signed up for their birthday club you got a free meal. I signed up for my birthday but forgot and we didn’t end up going. After our fun night last night I’ll definitely be using it next year!

After we were done ordering our food E got festive and turned his menu into a hat with Daddy’s help. He wanted to be just like the little boy who was also sitting at our table.

This is E’s “mmmm” face. He was eating my soup and saying “mmmmm” as he slurped it down. I find it hilarious that he closes his eyes to enjoy his food when he likes it.

See what I told you? Closed eyes as he’s sipping the soup. Such a funny boy! But he ate 1/2 of mine and 1/2 of Daddy’s so we weren’t going to say anything.

We had fun watching the chef make our meal. I think E liked watching him crack eggs the best. He loves cracking eggs and “helping” when we cook or bake.

Do you see what he formed the veggies and rice into? It’s Pacman! I wasn’t fast enough with the camera but the chef formed the rice into a Pacman and made it look like he was eating the vegetables just like the game.

And his second creation with the rice was non other than Mickey himself. He even made Mickey talk to us. Talk about creativity with food!

We just ordered the chicken fried rice for E because we knew he wouldn’t finish a whole plate of anything. He loved it and ate a big portion of it. Daddy and I, of course, split the rest to indulge a little since we stuck with the steamed rice (it’s lower in points!).

As he was eating his rice he was continuously saying “yumyumyumyum…mmmmm”. He definitely let us know he was enjoying his dinner.

Our food being cooked up. Chicken for me, fillet for Joseph and veggies for both of us.

Now normally you start with shrimp as an appetizer but one person from the other family sitting with us was allergic so the chef waited till the end to prepare the shrimp. After he cut the tails off he flipped them into his coat pocket with his spatula. It was pretty fun to watch. He even got one into his hat.

Miss M was jealous of all of our yummy food and decided to start noming on Daddy’s plate. She seriously had her mouth on the rim and was happy as a clam. Daddy didn’t even notice at first.

After we were done with dinner they cleaned up. I was definitely impressed with the stacking skills of this server! Look at all of those dishes and how well he balanced everything.

We of course sang Happy Birthday and Daddy got a yummy sundae. By this time in our dinner E only wanted to cuddle with me and was on my lap. However as soon as I mentioned sharing Daddy’s ice cream he was off my lap and back in his high chair! Tired, nope, not too tired for ice cream.

As you can tell from the pictures we really loved our night at Benihana and will definitely go again. The birthday club discount was definitely worth it! Maybe we’ll try lunch next time…

Birthday Celebration – Hob Nob Hill {Breakfast Review}

We just went to Hob Nob Hill for breakfast this morning in celebration of my birthday and I was definitely over impressed with the service we received. We used a voucher we bought off of Sign On San Diego’s daily deal website ($15 for $30 worth of food) to try it out but will definitely be back for more.

Our waitress, Stacy, was quick to bring our drinks and take our order. She even brought some complimentary apple muffins to the table since she knew from her experience (and from being a mom herself) that children get a bit restless if they aren’t fed right away). Shortly after that our food arrived. We were pleased with the speedy service and the quality of the food.

My one problem was with the special I got for breakfast – a Belgian waffle with fresh strawberries and side of sausage. I assumed that fresh strawberries meant plain cut up strawberries on top of the waffle. But my strawberries had a sugary glaze on them. Being on WW I was already splurging as it was on the waffle… I didn’t need extra glaze to add to the calorie content of my breakfast! But it was amazingly good. The waffle light and fluffy and the strawberries were fresh. Joseph enjoyed his waffle special with eggs and bacon (well… he didn’t make a peep the whole time he was eating and continued to polish off his plate so I’m assuming all was good).

E enjoyed his breakfast as well. Kids get their choice of eggs, pancakes, or french toast and the meals come with a side of applesauce or potatoes, toast or muffin, and bacon or sausage. We also got a nice side of fruit for him. And being a picky two year old we assumed he’d hardly touch his food. We were wrong. He ate at least 1/2 of everything on the plate!

And on top of the great service throughout our meal, at the end of the meal we asked what the cost of a cookie was since our son saw the cookies on display when we first arrived. Her response was that they were free for adorable little kids and she grabbed one right away for my son. We left a large tip to let her know we appreciated her going above and beyond our expectations.

Can’t wait to try out lunch and dinner!

Review on Yelp!

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