Back to School Lunch Ideas and Tips

Back to School Lunch Ideas and Tips

Ever start thinking of school lunches and wonder what the heck you’re going to pack? Well here are some great back to school lunch ideas and a few tips that might help you out!

My son isn’t quite ready for kindergarten yet but will be there next year and we’ve already exhausted a few great ideas for toddler lunches at home. So I’m trying to gather a bunch of ideas and tips so that when I am packing his lunch I can pack something that he’ll enjoy and actually eat. Good thing I have a whole year to figure this stuff out, right?

Ok, I’m not going to spend the whole year working on this. But I did start practicing by packing lunches for us to take with us on his days off preschool. When we’re heading out to the zoo, playing at the park, or heading to the beach, I’ve been able to pack lunches for him and his sister that they both enjoy. And here’s what I found… (some of the links included are affiliate links to Amazon) [Read more…]

Healthy Mediterranean Tuna Salad Pinwheels

Mediterranean Tuna Salad pinwheels #shop
With spring arriving and the change in weather, I try to turn to some of my favorite light, healthy lunch recipes. One of my favorite recipes is this healthy Mediterranean tuna salad.

By cutting out the mayo and subbing olive oil instead, this tuna salad is not only light and refreshing, it also has fewer calories in it as well! The best part is how versatile it is! Don’t have basil? Try another herb you do have. Don’t like onions? Try another flavor!

To spruce it up for the kids I decided to make these healthy Mediterranean tuna salad pinwheels. I simply wrapped up the tuna salad in some whole grain tortillas, layered some greens and fresh tomatoes from my garden, and piled on the tuna salad.

The results? Delicious! And I’m fairly certain the star of this recipe is the tuna.

Healthy Mediterranean Tuna Salad Pinwheels

  • 1 can tuna (flaked)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh basil (chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives (minced)
  • 1/2 stalk celery (diced)
  • 1/4 red onion (diced)
  • drizzle of olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 tomato (sliced)
  • 2 pieces red leaf lettuce
  • 2 whole grain tortillas
  1. Mix together the first six ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside. Grab the two tortillas and layer a piece of lettuce onto each one. Then add a few slices of tomatoes (about three on each tortilla).
  2. Spread a bit of the tuna salad onto the middle of the tortilla. Roll up the tortilla tightly. Secure with toothpicks and cut into rounds, using extra toothpicks in each individual pinwheel.
  3. Serve and enjoy!

Mediterranean Tuna Salad pinwheel wrap up close #shop

Not only is this a fabulous lunch for the family, it’s also a great appetizer for any parties coming up. Simple and easy to make, guests are sure to love the fresh, delicious flavor of these pinwheels.

Mediterranean Tuna Salad Pinwheels close upWhat’s your go-to healthy lunch recipe?

Love this recipe? Try a few more: 

Pin this article for later! 

Click the Pin button on the image below to save for later. 

Low Carb Egg Drop Soup to Soothe the Soul

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the happy egg co.. All opinions are 100% mine.

Looking for the perfect winter meal to warm you up and make you feel better when you’re sick? This low carb egg drop soup is keto friendly and makes you feel better with tons of wholesome goodness all in one bowl. 


We’re a huge egg loving family. From scrambled eggs with bacon in the morning to delectable baked goods made with eggs, we love eggs. So much so that two years ago for my birthday, the kids and my husband got me 2 egg-laying chickens for our backyard. And having chickens has been SO much fun. But also a lot of work. And when winter rolls around, the egg laying slows down and even stops. Right now we’re left with no eggs and that is no bueno for this family. So we depend on the next best thing!

When our two aren’t laying, we pick up a carton or two of the happy egg co. eggs.The happy egg co.takes the consumer confusion out of the egg aisle – their delicious, brown-shelled eggs are produced by free to roam hens raised on family run free range farms. For this brand, raising their hens humanely isn’t simply a marketing tactic or a misleading mantra. The happy egg co. offers both Free Range on Pasture and Organic Free Range on Pasture eggs.

So when I fell sick last week and needed something to soothe me but still stick to my low carb high fat diet, I decided to make my version of egg drop soup. Using the ingredients I had at home, including the happy egg co. eggs, I came up with a recipe that was full of flavor without being too much when you’re sick. 

The happy egg co. eggs have such a wonderful bright, golden yolk, don’t you think? I added a few not-so-typical ingredients to our version. The radish cooked in the broth tasted almost like potatoes and the parsley gave it an earthy flavor. Chives for the onion flavor I love so much and a little pinch of cumin added some smokiness to the bowl. Overall I will be trying this again and again when I need to warm up. It may be my new go-to instead of chicken soup.  

Low Carb Egg Drop Soup

  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 radish (julienned)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 happy egg co. egg (whisked)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat broth in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Add radish and cumin and whisk to combine. Let cook 1 minute then add egg and whisk into pan for 30 seconds. Add parsley, chives, and salt and pepper and cook one more minute. Serve and enjoy!
Serving 1 | 81 cal 2g carbs 5g fat 7g protein
Suggestion: Add 1 tablespoon of butter if you’re short on fat macros for the day!

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pecan Fat Bombs

These Chocolate Peanut Butter Pecan Fat Bombs hit the spot when you’re craving something sweet and help increase your fat macros. Plus they’re super easy to make! 


I’m hopping back on the LCHF way of eating and have successfully been on plan for the past week. That means I’ve been able to get through a mini vacation up to Palm Springs AND our annual Cookie Christmas celebration + brunch on New Year’s day with my family. Now that I’ve tackled this first week, I know I can keep it going.  As I continue this journey I’ll be sharing over on my other blog, Low Carb San Diego. I’ll include great recipe ideas, tips and tricks, as well as my personal journey. I hope you follow along! 

These Chocolate Peanut Butter Pecan Fat Bombs hit the spot and help me increase my fats (something I always have a problem with). It’s a great treat for the end of the night or for when I know I’m going somewhere with lots of sweet treats. Bringing a fat bomb and one of my favorite low carb bars helps me say no to temptation and press forward. 


Find the full recipe here

Tips For Gut Health + a Bacon Brie and Sauerkraut Egg Cups Recipe

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This past week I hosted an event at my house sponsored by Renew Life Probiotics. We enjoyed delicious food, tried new things (kombucha!), and had a frank discussion about gut health. Yup. We went there. But one thing I learned was that I’m not alone in my gut health issues. And there are a lot of things I could be doing differently to take better care of myself. So I’m sharing a few tips for gut health along with a recipe for delicious Bacon Brie and Sauerkraut egg cups. Yum! 


All of my life I’ve had stomach issues. And I always assumed it was related to the ulcer that first developed when I was a pre-teen. Heartburn, tummy trouble, and digestive issues were always something I dealt with. And to be honest I just assumed it was normal. Didn’t really think anything more of it. Then I got older, I read more about our body and how everything is connected, and tried to see if there was something else going on. 

Fast forward about a decade and I’ve finally figured out a solution to my issues. Probiotics

No, seriously! While I only used them previously alongside antibiotics (for both myself and the kids), I’ve now started taking probiotics daily and boy have I noticed a difference. But that’s not the only change I’ve made. Probiotic rich foods, plenty of water, and healthy changes in diet can also play a huge role in gut health and one’s comfort. Opening the conversation with my guests allowed to me to learn more about how I can be proactive and focus on self care in the new year.

Tips For Gut Health

The “gut” is considered the core of your body’s overall health and well-being and can affect your entire body, including immunity, digestion and more. So that means paying attention to your gut health should be pretty high on your list of priorities.

Here are a few ways to do just that:

1. Start taking probiotics –

To help keep your complex digestive system thriving and restore good bacteria, Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotics deliver unique, potent formulas that contain tens of billions of cultures, and multiple probiotic strains to help achieve better digestive and immune health.*

2. Drink plenty of water –

Drinking enough water is so important for healthy digestion. Water helps break down the food you eat and allows waste to pass more easily through the intestines. It also helps boost nutrient absorption. Water also softens stool, which helps to prevent constipation. Yup… we’re getting real! If you aren’t a huge water drinker, you can infuse your water to make it taste delicious. 

3. Talk about your gut health –

Whether it’s with friends, your doctor, or family, don’t be shy about speaking up about your gut health. If something doesn’t feel right, you more than likely need to change things up. Nearly two in three women (64 percent) aren’t willing to talk about gut issues with their friends. And with almost three quarters of women (72 percent) experiencing a digestive/gut issue in the past 12 months with gas/bloating (53 percent) being the most reported issue, you aren’t alone.

Nearly a quarter of women (22 percent) don’t consider the status of their digestive health when they think about their overall health and wellness, but it can affect your entire body, including mood, memory, immunity, digestion and more. By being proactive and talking about your issues, as well as taking probiotics regularly and getting enough water, you can help increase immunity, lessen the negative effects of gut issues, and find relief.


Gut-Friendly Probiotic Rich Foods

In addition to taking probiotics, you can also find them naturally in these probiotic-rich foods that are hosts to the good bacteria our guts need: 

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Miso Soup
  • Kimchi
  • Tempeh
  • Kombucha
  • Pickles

While some of these are easy to enjoy in our diet, others need a little… sneaking in. You can only eat so many hot dogs with sauerkraut. So finding other dishes to make with probiotic rich foods can give you more variety in your diet. 

The Renew Life blog also has some great recipes as well! We made the fresh carrot, cabbage, and apple medley juice and quick and easy whole wheat pumpkin muffin recipes for this event and they both tasted so good! 


Probiotics 101

  • A proper functioning gut, containing a delicate balance of both good and bad bacteria, helps with digestive and immune health.
    There are more than 100 trillion bacteria of many diverse strains inside your digestive tract which need to be balanced in order to keep your body healthy.
  • 70% of the immune system is located in the intestinal tract, therefore, maintaining gut health is a key part of maintaining your overall health.
    Signs that your gut is in need of replenishment and balance can include occasional bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, and weight gain among others.
  • Experts agree that taking a probiotic supplement like Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic is a good way to help support balance in the digestive tract and replenish the good bacteria found in a naturally diverse and healthy gut. It is reported that a person typically feels a difference after taking a probiotic supplement for 7-14 days.


Bacon Brie and Sauerkraut Egg Cups

A variation of this recipe

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cubes frozen sauteed glazed onions (or 1/2 an onion, diced)
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 6 slices cooked bacon, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sauerkraut
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 container 16oz cottage cheese
  • 1 8oz package of shredded cheddar
  • salt and pepper
  • 2oz brie cheese

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Add oil to large skillet and heat on medium high on the stove. Once hot, add onions to pan and saute 2-3 minutes. Then add spinach and cook until slightly wilted. Toss in bacon and sauerkraut and set aside to cool. 

While spinach/bacon/onion mixture is cooling down, add eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and shredded cheddar to a bowl and mix together. Add salt and pepper to taste (about 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper). Drop pieces of brie cheese into the mixture and fold in. Then add spinach/bacon/onion mixture to eggs and combine. 

Line 2 muffin tins with baking cups or spray well with cooking spray if not using baking cups. Using a large cookie scoop, scoop mixture into the muffin tin wells filling about 2/3-3/4ths of the way up. 

Baket at 375 for 30-35 minutes or until top is starting to turn golden brown. Let cool 2-5 minutes and serve. 

Makes approximately 24 but could get more if you scoop less into each cup. 


What are your favorite gut-friendly foods? 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

**This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of Renew Life Probiotics from November 9-11, 2016 among 1,127 U.S. women ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact Katie Young at

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Renew Life Probiotics.

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention + a Free Bathroom Printable

We’re sharing our tips on cold and flu prevention alongside a cute printable for the bathroom today with help from our sponsor, Vicks. 

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention

With three kids, two of which are in school, we’re constantly bringing home one thing or another. So it’s about time I say enough is enough! I’ve declared a war on germs and am not about to succumb to the latest illness that’s going around our community.
2With these tips from notable Manhattan-based physician Dr. Peterson, we’re able to reduce the germs we’re in contact with. Making these small adjustments to our daily lives can help us reduce the chance of cold or flu running rampant through our homes. Because there’s no fun in a sick house. Especially if my husband finally gets it. Which inevitably always happens these days.

My grandma would reach for the Vicks VapoRubTM topical ointment – a topical cough medicine with medicated vapors – any time we were sick when I was growing up. It starts working quickly to relieve cough symptoms (for ages 2+). Now we turn on our humidifier when any of us starts to feel icky (we have one for every bedroom) and put in Vicks VapoPads® when needed. But sometimes it’s better to prevent illness instead of just taking care of the symptoms all the time.

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention plus a Free Bathroom Printable

I made a few signs using PicMonkey (similar to how I made this Subway Art) in an effort to remind the kids of a our morning and evening routine to wash, wash, wash along with a few other essentials they need to be doing in the bathroom. Feel free to download them here

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention - wash your hands

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands with soap and water regularly, especially after touching dirty surfaces like doorknobs and keyboards. Thorough washing should take as long as singing “Happy Birthday” twice.

I’ve found that when washing hands with the kids, having each kid sing the song (or a different verse of the song) makes them remember to wash for the proper amount of time. You could even frame a copy of the song in your bathroom next to the sink to remind people to sing along (out loud or in their heads) while washing.

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention - Don’t Touch Your Face

Don’t Touch Your Face

Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth. These are direct entry points for germs. Most adults touch their face about 16 times a day, and children do a lot more often, increasing the spread of germs.

It’s super hard to stop this but staying cautious of how often you do touch your face will help reduce the contact. I find myself reminding my kids quite often during the day since they’re obsessed with picking their face, touching their ears and nose, and sucking on their fingers. It’s even harder because one of our kids is quite fond of their thumb.

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention - Keep common areas and surfaces clean

Keep Common Areas and Surfaces Clean

Germs live on surfaces and spread to humans through skin contact so anything that we touch frequently can be a threat. Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down your workspace daily, as well as your telephone, mouse, and keyboard. Make sure you regularly disinfect doorknobs and shared electronics like TV remotes. Also, wash your children’s toys after playtime. We even have a dirty bin for toys that we load into the dish washer after we unload the dishes from the night before.

Don’t forget about the kitchen! Kitchens happen to be the filthiest room in the house. Sponges, countertops and sinks have been shown to have 488 bacteria per square inch due to residue and foodstuffs that breed bacteria. Ugh! I shudder to think of it.


Turn on your humidifier

Studies indicate flu viruses thrive in cold and dry places, making winter air an ideal breeding ground for the virus. By keeping humidity levels in your home between 40 and 60 percent you can reduce the survival of flu viruses on surfaces and in the air. It also helps my husband and son breathe better when in use.

The new Vicks Sweet Dreams Cool Mist Humidifier is the latest in an array of models that are designed to meet your family’s growing needs. The American Academy of Pediatricians recommends using a cool mist humidifier throughout the winter months to help relieve congestion and cough in children.
To help control your cough, you can try the Vicks Warm Mist Humidifier which releases a warm mist to help offer temporary relief from cough and congestion. You can also use it with Vicks VapoSteam® which creates a medicated steam with cough suppressant to relieve coughs for children ages 2 and older.


Vicks VapoPads® can be used in conjunction with Vicks Humidifiers to provide soothing Menthol or Sleepytime Rosemary & Lavender scented vapors for up to eight hours of comfort. I have the Mini Filter Free humidifier and love using the Vicks VapoPads® with it, but the Vicks Sweet Dreams Humidifier is on the wish list!

4 Tips For Cold and Flu Prevention - wash and dry

How are you preventing colds and the flu from running rampant in your home? 

Tips On How To Navigate Health Care Plans + $100 Amazon GC Giveaway

This post featuring tips on how to navigate health care plans is sponsored by UnitedHealthcare. 


Having kids can be expensive. Even from the very beginning. Throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the first year of life, if you haven’t chosen the right health care plan for your growing family, health care costs can skyrocket. That’s why it’s good to know your options when open enrollment comes around so you know what health care plan to choose and how to get the best plan for your family. 

When I was pregnant with my second child we switched over to a completely new health care plan. We had switched over from our old provider and weren’t quite sure what to do. Luckily UnitedHealthcare was there to help us out and show us the ropes. 

Now UnitedHealthcare is here again with a fun way for families to find out what health plan is best for them with two games to play on their website:Are You a Health Plan Pro andWhat’s The Word.


What’s The Word

Our family’s health is something that’s very important to us but navigating the health care system can seem daunting. Luckily UnitedHealthcare is here to help make those choices a little easier. And they have a fun way of doing it too! 

Right now they’re running two fun activities where you can learn more about the world of health plans AND enter for a chance to win prizes. Pretty cool huh?  These contests both run until November 30th. 

The first activity you can participate in is an interactive crossword puzzle called What’s The Word.  The concept is pretty easy to understand. It’s a terminology game where viewers have to fill in the correct word in the puzzle for the definition that it matches with. 

While you’re doing your crossword puzzle, print out this FREE printable so your kids can play along as well! 

Are You A Health Plan Pro? 

Done with the crossword and ready for more of a challenge? Then play Are You a Health Plan Pro? and jump into this 4-stage game: 

Stage 1: Answer a few quiz questions about health care (mostly terminology)…if you get an answer wrong, it tells you the right answer so you are learning no matter what.

Stage 2: Play a matching game surrounding the three different types of health care accounts—the FSA, HSA, and HRA. You will be given three different descriptions of the accounts, and will have to drag and drop each account label to the description it matches.

Stage 3: Use United Healthcare’s slide configurator to learn more about premiums versus out-of-pocket ratios. You will be given a family description and their health care needs (family of four / children 8 and 14, occasional need of prescriptions, visits ER once or twice a year, etc.) and must use the sliders to figure out the correlation between the premium and out-of-pocket costs for that specific scenario.

Stage 4: Use United Healthcare’s ranker to organize 8 health care situations from least expensive to most expensive (examples are having a baby, going to urgent care, having a surgery). Once you rank them, it will correct any mistakes you made so you know which item belongs where in the list…it will also tell you how each item affects your out-of-pocket costs.

After you have completed each stage (should take a total of around 5-6 minutes) you will enter your name and email to be entered to win a prize. Then you will receive a score on a scale of 1 to 5 stars for how ready you are to purchase a plan. That way, you know whether you need to do more research or that you feel confident in yourself to purchase the best plan for you and your family.

There are prizes given for both the crossword puzzle and the Health Plan Pro game. There will be a $100 weekly winner chosen and $500 monthly winner chosen for each sweepstake. So on top of learning more about the health plans out there, you can win cash money as well. How awesome is that! Are you ready to play? 

These are two separate sweepstakes and two separate chances to win prizes!

Play Are You A Health Plan Pro by clicking here | Play What’s The Word by clicking here


How do you decide on a health care plan? 

Want another chance to win big JUST for checking out these sweepstakes? Enter to win a $100 gift card to Amazon below! 

Open to US only, 18+. Giveaway ends November 30th at 11:59pm PST and a winner will be randomly chosen December 1st and announced right here. 

Are You A Health Plan Pro?

*Important: By completing any entry in our giveaways, you agree to ALL of our giveaway terms and conditions. Comments such as “Thank you for the giveaway” “I want to win” etc will not be counted as the mandatory entry and will be deleted. Please be aware that comments are moderated and may not appear right away. Make sure you use a valid email address so we may notify you if you’ve won! Giveaway winners will receive their prize through email directly from the sponsor. Winner must provide email address to receive this gift card.

Ways to Reduce Stress During The Holidays

This post was developed in partnership with Tom’s of Maine. All opinions are my own.


The holidays are upon us and the countdown is on to get all the things done before the end of the year. And for some that means a lot of stress all at once. Trying to get everything done, go to every event, and get everything one needs to make a great holiday season. But you don’t have to stress yourself out during the holidays! 

I see my kids watching me, learning how to act and react by observing me. And I want to make sure they know what’s truly important in life. As they’re taking in everything I do, I want them to know that they are why I do everything I do. I also want my girls to know that it’s ok to think about themselves. To take time to care for themselves so they don’t get burnt out. And they’re really starting to pick up on it. 

With these simple tips you can reduce stress during the holidays and enjoy more time with your family and friends. And that’s all that matters, right? 

Ways to Reduce Stress During The Holidays


1. Exercise. 

One of the first things I try to remember when I feel stress coming on is the last time I took a walk or worked out. I’ve found that I’m a lot less stressed when I burn off the extra tension I have built up. Plus it helps to have something to think about other than the long laundry list of to-do’s. 

2. Meditate. 

I know it sounds silly but taking just 5 minutes out of your day to focus on something positive really helps. Just sit down in a relaxing position, close your eyes, try to clear your head, and repeat a positive affirmation of your choosing. Allow it to help you focus on what you need to get done. 


3. Eat Better. 

Yes, I know, I know. It’s the holidays and the sweets are everywhere. But overindulging will only drag you down. Make sure not to skip meals either! While you may be busier than usual, keep a good high-protein snack at hand just in case you start to get hungry but aren’t able to get a good meal in. We’re all becoming more conscious of what goes in our body so try to make good eating decisions. 

4. Sleep. 

While it’s tempting to stay up all night checking off every box of your to-do list, sometimes it’s better to just start over in the morning. You’ll be more refreshed and your mind clearer. Consider trying to go to bed just 1/2 an hour earlier than normal and see if your body reacts to the change well. Make sure you’re giving yourself time to decompress at the end of the day before going to sleep. 

5. Be Prepared. 

For me, lists and calendar notifications are my friends during this busy season. I write everything down so I don’t forget it and if I do forget, I’ve already set a reminder on my calendar to pop up and tell me. Another great thing to do during the holiday season is meal plan and meal prep. By having freezer meals on hand, I don’t have to stress about feeding my family. And I always keep a stick of Toms of Maine natural deodorant in case things get… a little stinky… due to all of the running around I’ve been doing. 


All of these tips have one thing in common: Take care of yourself! 

Tom’s of Maine harnesses the power of nature for a more naturally effective way to care for yourself and your family. Tom’s of Maine natural deodorant is the best-selling natural deodorant and has been for decades. And it helps me stay smelling great even under stress with it’s clinically proven, 24-hour odor protection using odor-fighting hops and the mineral zinc and only natural fragrances.

Tom’s of Maine is introducing a new deodorant formula with new and improved scents, and as always, is free of aluminum, artificial fragrances and petrochemicals. And I have to tell you – it works! I’ve switched from my deodorant of many years to Tom’s over the past few weeks and I’m impressed with it’s ability to keep up with me. 

Whether at the gym, in a PTG meeting, or while I’m working away at home trying to get everything done, I know Tom’s of Maine deodorant is right for me. And Tom’s of Maine products are right for my family. 

Why am I so focused on staying less stressed and more “in the now” this holiday season? My kids. 

My kids watch everything I do and are already starting to mimic me. So when I head into the bathroom in the morning to put on my deodorant, they want to as well. By switching to a natural, preservative and petrochemical-free deodorant I’m keeping the stink away without putting “bad stuff” on my skin and near my kids. And when my daughter wants to put it on too to be just like me, I don’t have to worry about her sensitive skin.  

How are you de-stressing this holiday season?

Share in the comments below how you destress and be entered to win an assortment of three Tom’s of Maine Long Lasting deodorants!

Open to US only, 18+. Giveaway ends November 7th at 11:59pm PST and a winner will be randomly chosen November 8th and announced right here. 

Want to enter to win more? Click here to enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card, a Tom’s of Maine tote, plus six Tom’s of Maine deodorants: Lavender, Tea Tree, Natural Powder, Unscented, Apricot and Lemongrass!

Thank you and good luck!

*Important: By completing any entry in our giveaways, you agree to ALL of our giveaway terms and conditions. Comments such as “Thank you for the giveaway” “I want to win” etc will not be counted as the mandatory entry and will be deleted. Please be aware that comments are moderated and may not appear right away. Make sure you use a valid email address so we may notify you if you’ve won! Giveaway winners will receive their prize through the mail directly. Winner must provide mailing address to receive these tickets.

5 Must Have Products For Exhausted Moms

This post featuring 5 Must Have Products For Exhausted Moms is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media.


When I turned 30 I had no qualms about the next decade in my life. In fact I have been waiting for 30. Waiting to feel the age I’ve always felt. Is that weird? Maybe. But it’s so true. And being 30. It’s so right for me. But the one thing I didn’t realize as I became another decade older was the toll it would start to take on my body. The fine lines, the lack of elasticity in my skin. And the myriad of other things I started to notice. 

It could be the 3 kids I had or maybe it was stress but one day I just stopped and looked at myself in the mirror as I was brushing my hair and realized that hair was literally coming out in clumps. And I had a minor panic attack until I read somewhere that hair loss is normal. But is it? And that much? What was going on? 

That realization that my body was starting to change made me realize that I might need to look into a good routine. I might need to find products that would help this exhausted 30 year old mom look somewhat put together the next time I showed up at a PTG meeting or the soccer field. Luckily I found just that in these 5 must have products for exhausted moms I’ve listed below! I’m tackling hair care, skin care, and self care. 

5 Must Have Products For Exhausted 30 Year Old Moms


1. Spire Wearable Wellness & Activity Tracker
State of mind affects how you breathe, but how you breathe can also change your state of mind. That’s pretty deep, right? Well it’s true. Studies have shown that slow, deep and consistent breathing can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and increase the flow of endorphins in the blood stream. 

Working with leading experts on the respiratory system, digital health and medical/wellness devices, Spire is the only wearable that increases mindfulness and productivity by tracking breathing patterns reflecting our state of mind. And for busy moms that means one thing – realizing when you need to step back and take a moment for yourself. 

Spire is a “trainer” for mindfulness & mindful living Spire makes mindfulness more attainable by alerting users in-the-moment and suggesting breathing exercises and meditations to lead to a more mindful behavior change be it a calmer and focused state – goodbye stress! – or even becoming more active. While wearing, the Spire PLATFORM will learn to anticipate stressful events before they are likely to happen and alert users with actionable insights on how to prepare and experience more calm in their life.

Spire is fully integrated into the Apple Health App and works with Apple watch. And if you’re like me and have an Android based phone, an Android App is also now available. You can score $10 off when you purchase the Spire here. The discount is applied at checkout.


2. Viviscal
After each kid I seemed to lose a bit more hair. And while it hasn’t visibly been something to worry about, I’ve noticed that the fullness I once had is starting to wane. So I researched various brands to find one that would work well with my hair and I’ve had a great experience with Viviscal. They’ve been the leading brand of dietary supplements in the US for the nourishment of thinning hair and promoting existing hair growth for over 25 years. Backed by extensive research and clinical studies that prove the brand’s effectiveness, the Viviscal Hair Growth Program nourishes hair from the inside out with the proprietary marine complex called AminoMarTM for strong, healthy hair!

Viviscal Gorgeous Growth Densifying Shampoo is scientifically formulated with Ana:Tel™, a proprietary complex blended with Biotin, Keratin and Zinc to promote healthy looking hair growth. Viviscal Densifying Shampoo gently cleanses, leaving hair looking fuller, thicker and healthier instantly. Viviscal Gorgeous Growth Densifying Conditioner contains the proprietary Ana:Tel™ complex blended with Biotin, Keratin and Zinc to nourish hair from the outside and promote the appearance of healthy looking hair growth. The lightweight formula moisturizes and conditions hair leaving it looking naturally thicker, fuller and gorgeous.

3. Dermae Firming DMAE Eye Lift –
While I was looking for a new skin care routine to help with the lack of sleep I’ve been getting, I stumbled on Dermae products. This multi-action eye cream helps to revive and smooth the look of your delicate eye area. And who doesn’t need help with our eye area, right? Widely-acclaimed DMAE helps to visibly improve the appearance of skin’s firmness for a more lifted look. While wrinkle-fighting peptides including Instalift® Goji Berry help to smooth the look of fine lines and wrinkles for younger-looking eyes. Now I just need to get rid of the dark circles! 


4. Dermae Firming DMAE Moisturizer –
I know the importance of moisturizer so if I can find one that doesn’t feel too thick but soaks in well and makes my skin feel hydrated, I know I have something that will work. This nutrient-rich moisturizer is clinically proven to improve the appearance of skin’s firmness, hydration and elasticity. Widely-acclaimed DMAE helps skin to appear visibly firmer, smoother and lifted. Antioxidant-rich Alpha Lipoic Acid and Vitamin C Ester nourish your skin for a more revitalized appearance.

5. Fiera® by NuelleTM
As I’ve looked at every other area of my life – stress level, skin and hair care, etc – I also look at the relationships in my life and how they’ve changed in my 30s. Especially my most important relationship – my marriage. I’ve checked out Fiera for a little help reconnecting with my husband and love the changes it’s made for us. If you’re looking to reconnect with your partner, you can use code Babble for 10% off when you check out here


Have you found any great products you use daily? 

Instant Pot Recipes: Individual Crustless Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake

Instant Pot Low Carb Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake

Sometimes you just need a good dessert to fall back on. Even if you decided to go low carb and kick sugar. And especially if it can be made in the appliance you purchased on Prime Day on a whim because it has been in your cart for so long you forgot why you wanted it and it was finally on sale. 

Yup, I was like the thousands of others who purchased an (get ready for an affiliate link…) Instant Pot on Prime Day. And I also made this recipe three times to perfect this crustless peanut butter chocolate cheesecake in an effort to have an awesome alternative for dessert when my family baked their Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies they keep in the freezer for random “cravings” in the evenings. 

Dude. This recipe? Is now my go-to whenever we’re heading to a birthday party, family get together, or on a Sunday night when I watch the kids and husband down cookies. Because while I’m not a huge cheesecake fan, it’s just enough peanut butter chocolatey goodness that I forget I’m watching my carbs and really feel like I’m indulging. 

Now less talking and more sharing recipes…

I’m sharing this one on my dedicated low carb site. You can just click right here to grab it in it’s entirety! Including directions on how to cook it in the Instant Pot. 

Crustless Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

Individual Crustless Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake bite

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